Well after a somewhat frustrating (read depressing) wait I have finally managed to find some work - it is not a permanent position and takes me back to my core skills of Learning and Development. It is a short term contract - for two months and it seems the best way for me to do this and work in this way is for me to start my own company . I am still interested in doing my PhD and intend applying for this - when successful I will be paid a salary. However, in the interim, whilst awaiting the ultimate PhD offer - need to put some food on the table and the odd bottle of red wine of course - so this seems a good way for me to do so - there are certain tax advantages of doing it this way. A bit scary in a way as you then take full responsibility for what you earn . . . lots of work out there but it is not an easy ride - particularly if you are just starting out and do not have loads of contacts in the area . . . . Oh well - caution to the wind here we go I am setting sail for yon distant shore and trust that the weather will not be too inclement - not that I expect it all to be plain sailing . . .

As an indication of my desire to work (I hope the Job Centre is reading this . . . lol) I even went to Royal Mail and attended both an interview and a 1 hour induction - as a Christmas casual . . . I made it on to the waiting list - in fact funny how things work - had I been successful I may not have seen and responded to the above position - weird - I woke up early (earlier than usual - my usual) and was on the PC and saw the above position - its temporary nature actually appealed to me - believe me or not . . . . - anyway applied early Tuesday morning and went for interview on Thursday and was informed on Friday afternoon that I had been successful . . . . so it was fast and furious . . . lol
I am waxing lyrically about the job but in truth I do not have anything in writing yet - don''t expect any problems though . . .
Birthday's are numerous during the month of November - with Tom; Mike & ANdy all turning 1 year older - Judi has been cooking up a storm for each of her sons - with them allowed to choose the main meal . . . . celebrations . . . and sometimes bored games - oops a slip.

It looks like I will motor across to Judi's place Christmas eve and then over to Maureen's - late on Christmas day - sleep over at my Mum's and then home later on Boxing day . . . . working on the Thursday & Friday and then on Monday 31st ??? But will wait and see whether this is what transpires.
Winter is fair drawing in . . . it has been fairly bitter the last few days . . . thank goodness for central heating - Judi claims this side of the world - everything over Erskine Bridge is both cold and wet . . . she half lives on the radiator to cope with conditions here . . . lol.
Was out last night @ Walkabout - Phil & Emma's birthday . . . Matthias & Antonio as well as some other friends of Emma & Phil were there . . . turned into a good evening - there was some commotion in the place but it was sorted out by chucking the whole group out - about 20 of them . . . anyway everyone is just there to enjoy themselves and these guys were a bit over the top - I had bumped into them at the bar and the one guy had tried to swipe his credit card through my teeth or something along those lines - I just ignored him and laughed - but no doubt someone took offence with regards to something that was said or done and it escalated from there . . . .
Took Fiona to see Beowolf at the Imax cinema - it is in 3D - it was good fun and very well done in parts . . . it incorporates a new form of animated filming - it has real actors but they are portrayed by an animated character - apparently they film the real actor and it is somehow transformed into the animation . . . in most cases you know immediately who it is - but the voice helps in certain cases . . . I recommend the film - a more mature audience - not suitable for the younger viewers - may even have a PG rating - not sure.
Well football-wise that is both Scotland and England are out of Euro 2008 . . . it's quite amazing Tuesday the Data disks went missing with every family's private details and information on it . . . and then Wednesday England out of Euro . . . . what's next they say - well actually all of that was preceded by Northern Rock - what is that your saying??? Well in a nutshell Alistair Darling (who didn't exist to most people - before these fiasco's ) decided that we couldn't have a run on a British bank - which is what happened - people queueing to get their money out of the bank and the bank not having enough . . . . so - our good friend Alistair lent the bank £20bn - that is a lot of money - it translates in to each tax payer lending the bank £900+ ; which is ludicrous - in my opinion - the bank is a company - like any other - if they can't finance themselves then they probably should not be in business . . . . simplistic - yes.
Well I am afraid to say Gordon Brown goes from one fiasco to another and we are still no closer to understanding fundamentally what he stands for? The honeymoon is over - and if he continues like this it will not be long before he is jilted or the country as a whole and his backbenchers institute divorce proceedings.
I see another Bush lackey was given his marching orders - Howard in Australia - the swing away and against him was dramatic that he lost his own seat - something that has not happened in over 78 years . . . .
Another attempt at peace in the Middle East is starting up - a process which is no doubt doomed before it has even started - Abbas the Palestinian leader does not speak for Hamas - who control Gaza - so you ask yourself what is the point - if a naive observer like myself can see the futility - who do they think this process will appease - yes, America needs something to work in the Middle East - but this will be a hollow victory if they hold this up as a supposed success story . . a waste of time and money - and yes I think the upstart Blair is involved although - thank goodness we hardly ever hear about him anymore - here today and no more - apart from the odd dinner speaking engagement for a steal of £250 000???? Wow!
Anyway quite enough cynicism for the moment - cya Andrew
Emperor's New Clothes - I'll change, Vows PM after week of crisis . . . Yeah right!
Hamas warns of impending violence after talks

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