Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Deposits Guarenteed - not the issue!
So the Irish Government has now guaranteed all deposits - of course they have because this is the one commodity that they need cash . . . this is what the whole crisis is about ????? So next the UK government Brown and Co., - namely yon guy with the white hair but black eyebrows (what's that about . . . lol) will do the same - wow! am I supposed to be impressed here.
In my mind the real question here are investments - not cash in the bank - I should have this problem - having £35 000 in every bank . . . What is being done about people who have invested money in the myth of making money for their pension - TOUGH! seems to be the answer because no one is even looking at that side of things . . . even if they vote in America to give the $700 Billion dollars . . . exactly what is it to be used for - what are the tangible benefits going to be to the man in the street . . . access to money for a loan / extended credit / a mortgage . . . wait a minute are these not all the things that caused the problem in the first place . . .
Is the actual problem not that Brown / Bush et al - lived and surfed on the credit wave - every Tom, Dick & Harry were able to access almost limitless amounts of debt and when they were up to their eyeballs in it - guess what the banks threw more in their direction . . . Brown being the expert in the area - could not see this coming . . . Oh yes - he could but - like the rest of us he did not want to admit it NO . . . so now he (and everyone else . . .) will have us believe that NO one could have foreseen this . . . . what nonsense - if you (and I am sure a lot of you have look after your own pennies) had run your household finances the way he has run this country - guess what - no one would have sympathy for you . . . . your in a high flying job and what do you do you spend everything you earn - but that is not the worst of it . . . you then go beyond that - because that is not even enough for you - you take out massive loans to fund additional spending . . . you getting an inkling of how ridiculous his handling of the economy was / is ????? And the only thing that helped him and allowed him to perpetuate this whole lie was an over-heated house market . . . Let me tell you what I think - what went un-said over the last 10 years was that he / they the Labour party would have done anything to make sure that set of conditions carried on . . . Did that protect the citizens of this country - UK house prices rose by more than any other European country . . . did the standard of living go hand in hand with this though???? No I don't think so . . . and what about the level of the UK's indebtedness i.e. how much they have borrowed to implement their policies - I don't have the figures - but it is atrocious that the UK and its economy should be at the same level as countries like Egypt . . . world leaders . . . yes on the negative side - another sign of the so-called Brown legacy.
Where to from here . . . you just don't know . . . what will happen the US will get their monopoly money amount sometime on Thursday . . . lets see what Cameron has to say in his speech although he seems to have taken a conciliatory approach now i.e. united we stand . . . managed to get a few mentions on the news otherwise I think the Tory conference may have been all but swallowed by events as they unfold . . .
Is it any wonder the elections are so close in the US - they are now both supporting the bail-out bill . . . .
I think I'd like to see a head to head debate on TV like the US - Cameron / Brown / Clegg . . .
OK that's my rant for the evening . . . - let me see what my two banks are up to Northern Rock & Bradford and Bingley . . . may have some more added to my (tax-payers) portfolio before the week is out . . . not that anyone asked my opinion - what a joy to live in a true democracy!!!!! What a joke!
In my mind the real question here are investments - not cash in the bank - I should have this problem - having £35 000 in every bank . . . What is being done about people who have invested money in the myth of making money for their pension - TOUGH! seems to be the answer because no one is even looking at that side of things . . . even if they vote in America to give the $700 Billion dollars . . . exactly what is it to be used for - what are the tangible benefits going to be to the man in the street . . . access to money for a loan / extended credit / a mortgage . . . wait a minute are these not all the things that caused the problem in the first place . . .
Is the actual problem not that Brown / Bush et al - lived and surfed on the credit wave - every Tom, Dick & Harry were able to access almost limitless amounts of debt and when they were up to their eyeballs in it - guess what the banks threw more in their direction . . . Brown being the expert in the area - could not see this coming . . . Oh yes - he could but - like the rest of us he did not want to admit it NO . . . so now he (and everyone else . . .) will have us believe that NO one could have foreseen this . . . . what nonsense - if you (and I am sure a lot of you have look after your own pennies) had run your household finances the way he has run this country - guess what - no one would have sympathy for you . . . . your in a high flying job and what do you do you spend everything you earn - but that is not the worst of it . . . you then go beyond that - because that is not even enough for you - you take out massive loans to fund additional spending . . . you getting an inkling of how ridiculous his handling of the economy was / is ????? And the only thing that helped him and allowed him to perpetuate this whole lie was an over-heated house market . . . Let me tell you what I think - what went un-said over the last 10 years was that he / they the Labour party would have done anything to make sure that set of conditions carried on . . . Did that protect the citizens of this country - UK house prices rose by more than any other European country . . . did the standard of living go hand in hand with this though???? No I don't think so . . . and what about the level of the UK's indebtedness i.e. how much they have borrowed to implement their policies - I don't have the figures - but it is atrocious that the UK and its economy should be at the same level as countries like Egypt . . . world leaders . . . yes on the negative side - another sign of the so-called Brown legacy.
Where to from here . . . you just don't know . . . what will happen the US will get their monopoly money amount sometime on Thursday . . . lets see what Cameron has to say in his speech although he seems to have taken a conciliatory approach now i.e. united we stand . . . managed to get a few mentions on the news otherwise I think the Tory conference may have been all but swallowed by events as they unfold . . .
Is it any wonder the elections are so close in the US - they are now both supporting the bail-out bill . . . .
I think I'd like to see a head to head debate on TV like the US - Cameron / Brown / Clegg . . .
OK that's my rant for the evening . . . - let me see what my two banks are up to Northern Rock & Bradford and Bingley . . . may have some more added to my (tax-payers) portfolio before the week is out . . . not that anyone asked my opinion - what a joy to live in a true democracy!!!!! What a joke!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Competition for Fusion Man???
Hey saw this on Wired - looks like Fusion Man has some competition????
Friday, September 26, 2008
Week Three
Lets not forget Fusion Man who flew across the English Channel - OK he was dropped out of an airplane - but - that was in France he then flew across the channel under his own steam - so to speak - took him all of 10 minutes - he had a fire proof suit on and jet engines on each wing - his only means of steering was body movement . . . he is a braver man than I . . . (picture courtesy of Alastair Grant /AP - guardian web site)

Wow! Talk about economic melt down ... all doom and gloom - first its 9/11 and its death and destruction - terrorists beneath and behind everything unturned stone you can think of - i.e. buying illegal copies of DVD's and CD's are tantamount to funding terrorism - of course its is difficult to prove that somewhere someone involved in illegal trading of goods might well be involved in something like this but at the end of the day I just wonder what percentage of this can be linked to something like terrorism. Now my argument is not PRO-illegal copies and PRO-pirating NO - what I think contributes towards this are the exorbitant prices charged for goods - how much does it cost and what is a reasonable mark-up that is fair enough but when people start getting greedy - charging high prices they create a market . . . it the old Reaganomics argument - lower overall taxes - and make them simple - to the extent that companies / individuals will just pay rather than higher fancy accountants to find loopholes not to pay . . . it is simpler . . . a simplistic approach!
So now it is mortgages / and bad debt / the claim now is no one should have lent to these people . . . and everything points to the US of A . . . all banks seemed to be linked and all are over-extended to this debt . . . the UK seems to lag the US by a factor of about 3 to 6 months so does this mean we are in for more heavy seas . . . Economics professors must be in demand to try and explain what in heaven's name is going on . . . reminds me of an old Chicago song "Does anyone really know what time of day it is?"
It is all very surreal - watch the news lets see who is going to go bust next??? And if these big banks can't make it what about some of the smaller countries - Lesotho; Angola; Mozambique not to mention Zimbabwe perhaps they were responsible . . .or what about the said CERN - LHC was it not all caused by this experiment in Switzerland . . . makes you think . . .does it not - do we really know anything other than what is happening right now . . . .???? I'll be getting my white jacket soon if I keep this thread going . . . .
Still unemployed - so I phone my credit card because I have this payment cover insurance - I phoned them after university and they just said SORRY you have to be working for at least 6 months prior to making a claim . . . so I thought I was ready for them this time . . . boy was I wrong! - she just wanted to ask me a few questions (Oh-oh) - the word permanent came up - I asked her to define what she meant - something about you can only claim if you have been on fixed term contract and working for more than 12 months and they have attempted to renewed it once . . . and then something else about 24 months . . . well I can tell you my Blood pressure was about to go through the roof - I'm like WHAT! . . . after a long discussion they have decided they will send out the claim form and evaluate it when I fill it in and return it to them . . . the key is whether I knew I was going to finish off on a specific date or not????? HELLO a fixed term contract??? - what does that mean ???? . .. not that it is OK but if I thought / had reason to believe - I was going to be offered another contract even although I knew when it was going to finish . . . that's OK - AHA! but if I knew I was going to finish on such and such a date . . . . well then I can't claim ??????? Clear as mud to you - I hope - I'm still confused - but I know what I am going to tell them . . . . trouble is my ex company has to fill it in as well . . . and they might just not see it the same way as I do . . . hmmm - if you see what I mean . . . I went for 3 months and ended up working 9 . . . would you not think it would just carry on then as well - they were still busy - there were things still being released which meant more \Training still to be done - I was bumping into people telling them I'm leaving and the people would say - if they let you go - you'll be back in two weeks to do the Training on XY & Z ???? . . . (I might just add that none of these exclusions were ever mentioned when this policy was sold to me . . . ironically while I am hold a voice keeps booming in my ear "Take out payment protection - for when you are in difficult times" and guess what . . . that is all it says ...
Enough it is a long weekend here in Glasgow . . . have a good one - enjoy yourselves!

Wow! Talk about economic melt down ... all doom and gloom - first its 9/11 and its death and destruction - terrorists beneath and behind everything unturned stone you can think of - i.e. buying illegal copies of DVD's and CD's are tantamount to funding terrorism - of course its is difficult to prove that somewhere someone involved in illegal trading of goods might well be involved in something like this but at the end of the day I just wonder what percentage of this can be linked to something like terrorism. Now my argument is not PRO-illegal copies and PRO-pirating NO - what I think contributes towards this are the exorbitant prices charged for goods - how much does it cost and what is a reasonable mark-up that is fair enough but when people start getting greedy - charging high prices they create a market . . . it the old Reaganomics argument - lower overall taxes - and make them simple - to the extent that companies / individuals will just pay rather than higher fancy accountants to find loopholes not to pay . . . it is simpler . . . a simplistic approach!
So now it is mortgages / and bad debt / the claim now is no one should have lent to these people . . . and everything points to the US of A . . . all banks seemed to be linked and all are over-extended to this debt . . . the UK seems to lag the US by a factor of about 3 to 6 months so does this mean we are in for more heavy seas . . . Economics professors must be in demand to try and explain what in heaven's name is going on . . . reminds me of an old Chicago song "Does anyone really know what time of day it is?"
It is all very surreal - watch the news lets see who is going to go bust next??? And if these big banks can't make it what about some of the smaller countries - Lesotho; Angola; Mozambique not to mention Zimbabwe perhaps they were responsible . . .or what about the said CERN - LHC was it not all caused by this experiment in Switzerland . . . makes you think . . .does it not - do we really know anything other than what is happening right now . . . .???? I'll be getting my white jacket soon if I keep this thread going . . . .
Still unemployed - so I phone my credit card because I have this payment cover insurance - I phoned them after university and they just said SORRY you have to be working for at least 6 months prior to making a claim . . . so I thought I was ready for them this time . . . boy was I wrong! - she just wanted to ask me a few questions (Oh-oh) - the word permanent came up - I asked her to define what she meant - something about you can only claim if you have been on fixed term contract and working for more than 12 months and they have attempted to renewed it once . . . and then something else about 24 months . . . well I can tell you my Blood pressure was about to go through the roof - I'm like WHAT! . . . after a long discussion they have decided they will send out the claim form and evaluate it when I fill it in and return it to them . . . the key is whether I knew I was going to finish off on a specific date or not????? HELLO a fixed term contract??? - what does that mean ???? . .. not that it is OK but if I thought / had reason to believe - I was going to be offered another contract even although I knew when it was going to finish . . . that's OK - AHA! but if I knew I was going to finish on such and such a date . . . . well then I can't claim ??????? Clear as mud to you - I hope - I'm still confused - but I know what I am going to tell them . . . . trouble is my ex company has to fill it in as well . . . and they might just not see it the same way as I do . . . hmmm - if you see what I mean . . . I went for 3 months and ended up working 9 . . . would you not think it would just carry on then as well - they were still busy - there were things still being released which meant more \Training still to be done - I was bumping into people telling them I'm leaving and the people would say - if they let you go - you'll be back in two weeks to do the Training on XY & Z ???? . . . (I might just add that none of these exclusions were ever mentioned when this policy was sold to me . . . ironically while I am hold a voice keeps booming in my ear "Take out payment protection - for when you are in difficult times" and guess what . . . that is all it says ...
Enough it is a long weekend here in Glasgow . . . have a good one - enjoy yourselves!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Week Two
Well I had hoped things might move somewhat quicker than this - still searching for a position . . . have applied for a number of suitable jobs - one turned out to be in Edinburgh - and salary was very low - would not have been viable to commute - spend £400+ for a monthly train ticket - so that was out - I withdrew myself from another position in Edinburgh as well . . . something really interesting in Glasgow and I have been to discuss with the employment agency and my name will be forwarded to the company for their approval now - we will see how this progresses . . . as I say it looks very interesting.
Fiona, my niece, it was her Birthday on Friday and she invited us up for dinner - sat around and had a good blether - most of the entertainment was provided by Rosario who being only two was up and saw us off at 00h30 . . he has also developed a liking for beer . . . he thought the froth was milk . . actually he doesn't like at all really - you could see him shudder when he tasted it . . .
Saturday evening was Phil & Emma's wedding reception which was held at the City Hall - it was lovely - champagne and then into the hall and they had a band - who were very good - quite a wide variety and range - met Phil's Mom & Dad - very nice - had a beer with his Dad and his Mom came up to me and introduced herself . . . .Some of the Dublin crew Mat and Cedrig were there . . .also quite a few people who were at school with Phil . . . anyway a great evening . . . ended up driving into Glasgow - and leaving the car there overnight (in a car park) - caught the night bus 66 home - well as far as Dalmuir and then a taxi - which was £15 from Dalmuir . . . . - only picked my car up after 20h00 the next day - met Valerie for coffee @ Waterstones and then went to Cineworld (went to see Pineapple Express - a Ben Stiller / Adam Sandler type movie) car only cost £5 - for 24 hours +
Let us see what next week brings . . .
Fiona, my niece, it was her Birthday on Friday and she invited us up for dinner - sat around and had a good blether - most of the entertainment was provided by Rosario who being only two was up and saw us off at 00h30 . . he has also developed a liking for beer . . . he thought the froth was milk . . actually he doesn't like at all really - you could see him shudder when he tasted it . . .
Saturday evening was Phil & Emma's wedding reception which was held at the City Hall - it was lovely - champagne and then into the hall and they had a band - who were very good - quite a wide variety and range - met Phil's Mom & Dad - very nice - had a beer with his Dad and his Mom came up to me and introduced herself . . . .Some of the Dublin crew Mat and Cedrig were there . . .also quite a few people who were at school with Phil . . . anyway a great evening . . . ended up driving into Glasgow - and leaving the car there overnight (in a car park) - caught the night bus 66 home - well as far as Dalmuir and then a taxi - which was £15 from Dalmuir . . . . - only picked my car up after 20h00 the next day - met Valerie for coffee @ Waterstones and then went to Cineworld (went to see Pineapple Express - a Ben Stiller / Adam Sandler type movie) car only cost £5 - for 24 hours +
Let us see what next week brings . . .
Sunday, September 14, 2008
week One
Well I've dusted off the old CV - updated it - tweaked it a little and getting it to where it should be . . . had it where I thought it should be and then noticed a mistake with the dates . . . unacceptable - no wonder I was unsuccessful with a few positions that I applied for - well that's behind us . . . also working on an on-line version of the CV - which theoretically is the answer - as it will mean updating that and then just pointing towards that all the time - I think it also has a down loadable version for those applications that want a paper CV. Some agencies only want the i-profile web based CV probably suits them the way it is put together and might then be easier to search - not sure - but it does make sense.
Wow they are really punting New Zealand as a holiday destination www.newzealand.com - I must the excerpts they show looks absolutely stunning. Speaking of which All Blacks won the Tri-Nations with a narrow victory over the Wannabees (Australia) Saturday in Australia.
Wow they are really punting New Zealand as a holiday destination www.newzealand.com - I must the excerpts they show looks absolutely stunning. Speaking of which All Blacks won the Tri-Nations with a narrow victory over the Wannabees (Australia) Saturday in Australia.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Vox Motus on at the Tron theatre
Direct from its sell-out run at this year's Edinburgh Fringe, Vox Motus and the Tron Theatre are delighted to invite you to Slick. This surreal comedy is gushing with humour as black as the fuel wee Malcom Biggar discovers one day in his family toilet. And when word gets out to the landlord, who just happens to also be the neighbourhood pervert, the scene is set for a comedy that's as savage and poignant as it is hilarious.
Slick won a coveted Fringe First Award when it debuted in Edinburgh this month and it's easy to see why. Performed by a five brilliant young actors, it is relentlessly inventive and brilliant in its staging and boasts a laugh out loud script. Filthy, funny and feted, don't miss your opportunity to catch this dynamic award-winning comedy.
Please note that Slick is not recommended for those of a sensitive disposition! (Recommended 16 yrs +)
Direct from its sell-out run at this year's Edinburgh Fringe, Vox Motus and the Tron Theatre are delighted to invite you to Slick. This surreal comedy is gushing with humour as black as the fuel wee Malcom Biggar discovers one day in his family toilet. And when word gets out to the landlord, who just happens to also be the neighbourhood pervert, the scene is set for a comedy that's as savage and poignant as it is hilarious.
Slick won a coveted Fringe First Award when it debuted in Edinburgh this month and it's easy to see why. Performed by a five brilliant young actors, it is relentlessly inventive and brilliant in its staging and boasts a laugh out loud script. Filthy, funny and feted, don't miss your opportunity to catch this dynamic award-winning comedy.
Please note that Slick is not recommended for those of a sensitive disposition! (Recommended 16 yrs +)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Emmylou Harris - All I Intended to Be

I went along to the Royal Concert Hall last night - I had bought an Emmylou Harris ticket on the spur of the moment - on a whim really - I can't really say I am a big fan - I have enjoyed her music in passing over the years - we are talking way back now 'Elite Hotel' 'Luxury Liner' 'Pieces of the Sky' and 'Blue Kentucky Girl' - showing my age now . . . anyway the last real thing I can say I listened to was her collaboration with Mark Knopfler 'Real Live Roadrunning' which I was not overly impressed by, however, I went with an open mind hoping that it would at least be a pleasant evening . . .
The supporting act was rousing enough - it is only there to warm us all up for the main act - she is a song-writer herself and I thought quite an accomplished one at that - she had her son on guitar supporting her and husband on bass - they were both adequate, however, the son attempted to play a number of solo's and in my opinion was not quite ready or at that level yet - his Mom obviously thrilled to bits asked us to applaud him - I think it says it all that she had to ask - as it was not spontaneously forthcoming . . .
Emmylou came on and within a very short space of time I realised just what a great voice she has - both powerful and delicate at the same time - I soon warmed to her and the band as they slipped between old and new - a full backup band of Phil Madeira on keyboards / accordion / rhythm guitar; Colin Linden on guitar / slide / mandolin - (he used to play with Bruce Cockburn) also backing vocals; Brian Owings on drums that Emmylou says is the happiest drummer in the business - she stole him from Buddy Miller as she did the bass guitarist - Chris Donahue - he really impressed me and I think he has a lot more talent than was allowed to blossom last night; lastly a mandolin come fiddler Rickie Simpkins who also did backing vocals and then a duet with Emmylou - all accomplished musicians in their own right - I loved the way in which the guitarist was able to punch little virtuoso solo's in between verses - whilst Emmylou was catching her breath (not that she ever needed to) and basically illustrated how it should be done (I hope that other singer's son was watching from the wings) . . .

Emmylou as I stated performed a mixed bag of new and old - I was particularly moved by her rendition of Tracy Chapman's - 'All That You Have is Your Soul' and her song which was co-written with Kate and Anna McGarrigle - which starts off with a little tune that I recognise but can't place . . .'How She Could Sing the Wildwood Flower' and 'Hold On' if I'm not mistaken . . .
I think Emmylou and the band warmed to the Glasgow crowd who themselves are notorious for their warmth and enthusiasm - they repeatedly showed their appreciation for the true star that she is . . . .
I left a thorough Emmylou convert - and rushed over to the merchandising stand and enthusiastically pushed my £10 across the counter for my copy of Emmylou's latest offering 'All that I Intended to Be' and I think that says it all really . . .
This link below will randomly select one of many videos - I hope nothing to shocking comes up - there is one that might shock you a wee bit - hey! its all tongue in cheek . . . Under Playlist browse to Glasvegas - Geraldine . . . can safely safe they are the real thing and they've arrived . . . just received the CD yesterday - I think they are going to go far - if your interested there is another link to an interview with them . . . hope you enjoy - feel free to let me know . . . . also watch any of the others if you like. It's all muzu.tv if you'd like to set something up for yourself.
More proof - tickets went on sale this morning and guess what they were limited to 4 per customer - and NOW today 10 Sept - same day they went on sale - they are already Sold Out! for 16 Dec gig
More proof - tickets went on sale this morning and guess what they were limited to 4 per customer - and NOW today 10 Sept - same day they went on sale - they are already Sold Out! for 16 Dec gig

Sarah Palin doll hits US high streets???

G.I. Palin ????
Hey maybe we need that Black Hole I was talking about in the last posting - I mean bring on a reality check here?????
Sarah Palin action figure

photograph et all courtesy of The Guardian
Well they've finished with the first experiment and were all breathing a little bit more easily now seeing as they did not create a massive black hole . . . but who is to say what has actually happened ???? Makes you wonder does it not???
CERN project
Falling off the edge of the world
interview with Ian Sample
Farewell . . . in case we all disappear in the next half hour or so . . . I'd better get the kettle on . . . kinda a weird feeling - quite handy actually being off work on the day the world ended . . . .????
Monday, September 08, 2008
A new chapter begins . . . again . . .
Well finished off with my large utilities company - Scottish Water on Friday - what started as a quick stop-gap position . . .which I initially thought would be ideal to keep me busy until such time as I went on holiday in South Africa . . . well 9 months later it finally came to an end . . .we always knew that it could not last for ever . . but it almost seemed to take on a life of itself . . .
So here I am between jobs at the moment . . .and I've allowed my Blog and photo a day to slip somewhat . . . need to reintroduce and allow that creativity with photography to come back into my life - it is easy to take a whole lot of holiday snaps . . but when you have to take a photo a day you need to look at every day things and that is great - it is challenging in its own right . . . so want to pick that and this Blog up again . . .
This week I have Emmylou Harris lined up and was lucky enough to get a ticket for the concert at the Royal Concert Hall . . . looking forward to that - lunch on Wednesday - we'll see where that goes - I think it is nothing more than a closure lunch - but should be interesting . . .
Apart from this want to become more active as I did overdo it at times with my last job - spending a bit too much time working . . .
Anyway all for now.
OK James awaiting your first move . . . lol
Something I just stumbled across:
icapetown.muzu.tv the embedded link does not seem to be loading properly - so lets try a link . . .
So here I am between jobs at the moment . . .and I've allowed my Blog and photo a day to slip somewhat . . . need to reintroduce and allow that creativity with photography to come back into my life - it is easy to take a whole lot of holiday snaps . . but when you have to take a photo a day you need to look at every day things and that is great - it is challenging in its own right . . . so want to pick that and this Blog up again . . .
This week I have Emmylou Harris lined up and was lucky enough to get a ticket for the concert at the Royal Concert Hall . . . looking forward to that - lunch on Wednesday - we'll see where that goes - I think it is nothing more than a closure lunch - but should be interesting . . .
Apart from this want to become more active as I did overdo it at times with my last job - spending a bit too much time working . . .
Anyway all for now.
OK James awaiting your first move . . . lol
Something I just stumbled across:
icapetown.muzu.tv the embedded link does not seem to be loading properly - so lets try a link . . .
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Moseley Folk Festival - Day 2 - Part 2
I was impressed by Scott Matthews
Loved Eliza Carthy, Martin Carthy, Norma Waterson . . . I actually discovered I love most things with a fiddle - my new favourite instrument
Then there was Old Dance School
6 day riot - so much potential - but not quite there yet - lovely outfit too . . .pity
But Chris T-T was the real thing . . .
KTB was excellent - spoke to her afterwards - I liked her - she is getting married this Friday - so that will be 5 September
Seth Williams finished off the evening - he is excellent - sort of a John Melloncamp type sound - quite a bit of fiddle - so I liked . . . lol
Loved Eliza Carthy, Martin Carthy, Norma Waterson . . . I actually discovered I love most things with a fiddle - my new favourite instrument
Then there was Old Dance School
6 day riot - so much potential - but not quite there yet - lovely outfit too . . .pity
But Chris T-T was the real thing . . .
KTB was excellent - spoke to her afterwards - I liked her - she is getting married this Friday - so that will be 5 September
Seth Williams finished off the evening - he is excellent - sort of a John Melloncamp type sound - quite a bit of fiddle - so I liked . . . lol
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