Eddi Reader
Allelujah song obviously by Eddi one of my all time favourites - so lets add it in . . .
the lights on the Westway go on
a million cars hurry home
an ice cream van shuts off its tinsel bells
winter won’t be long
I see you every day
I watch as you walk down this way

we pass on the stairs of this council block
too shy to find words to say
but your smile is a prayer that prays for love
and your heart is a kite that longs to fly
allelujah here I am
let’s cut the strings tonight
so meet me on the corner at eight
let’s get out of this place
we’ll kiss the first of a million kisses
and let the past fall away
for your smile is a prayer that prays for love
and your heart is a kite that longs to fly
allelujah here I am
let’s cut the strings tonight
yes your smile is a prayer that prays for love
and your heart is a kite that longs to fly
allelujah here I am
let’s cut the strings tonight
yes your smile is a prayer that prays for love
and your heart is a kite that longs to fly
allelujah here I am
we’ll cut the strings tonight
and we’ll kiss the first of a million kisses
Well all I can say about the concert - Ooops have I not mentioned that - Judi & I went on Saturday - almost had an altercation with the white feather brigade and we entertained on the steps alongside the bar but that's all for discussion over a glass of red wine - the concert was great - I have never seen Eddi live - was a ardent fan with Fairground attraction and caught one of their concerts by chance on TV once which alerted me to the fact that she was Scottish - and then liked her even more. She has an exquisite range with her vocals (which is more than I can say for her dress sense - each to their own) - I think she got the mix of old standards up-tempo / ballads etc., just right and had everyone eating out of the palms of her hands . . . great accompaniment - although the guy who was her supporting act was roped in as a support guitarist - did not seem quite as enthusiastic as everyone else - John McCusker was superb on fiddle and an Irish accordion player outstanding as was the upright bass player - not to forget Boo Hewerdine on guitar - who has written a number of the songs. Michael, Judi's son - who obviously knows his Mum - gave her 2 tickets for Christmas. Judi is a BIG Eddi Reader fan and on a number of occasions I had to entice her down from her seat as she was standing dancing - or could that have been from the red wine and whisky . . .lol only joking - but she knew all the lyrics and lets just say the arms were going in the air . . . .
Anyway that was Saturday evening - Lazy Sunday - came home about 19h45 after bus & train - was exhausted - managed to do Designing Usable Systems - intended doing Java but couldn't keep my eyes open . . .
Monday morning - up and off to AI - it didn't get any better - I was asleep outside the classroom before I even got in - then fell asleep during the lecture - it just seemed incredible dry - couldn't quite grasp it - like information overload and mind couldn't cope - so I went to sleep - albeit (my favourite word at the moment) for a very short period of time . . . Lab was hence challenging and luckily I have now taken to attending a 2nd lab / practical period on Friday - were I could ask Peter some questions and he sat down and explained some thing is to me. Tuesday I could come up with the solution but didn't understand what it was really saying to me . . .which I know sounds a bit weird - lets look at an example - you

-1 -2 (which is kind of like saying [not not one {which means if its not not one then it must be one}] and not two . . . . . etc., all gets a wee bit confusing he says as he reaches for the whisky bottle again (I'll make shensh of theesh yet . . . .)
-1 -3
-2 -3
now the strange things is I can work all of that out . . .i.e. have no problem coming up with combo's . . .don't ask me to explain them though . . .oh the joys - the exam here is starting to worry me . . .
Next was Designing Usable systems - Tuesday afternoon's and we started off by looking at the work we were supposed to do in preparation - I originally read the wrong chapter (I read 5 instead of 4 - will make next week better . . .) but knuckled down to preparing an improved scenario . . which (against my better judgement) ended up sending to David (who is submitting this week) - we had a lengthy discussion regarding a small wheelchair icon for people who are wheelchair bound which would have a green, amber or red background (no this is not AI again) - just to show people whether or not the station / route etc was wheelchair friendly etc., . . . Last week we were awarded 8/10 for group work so hopefully David can maintain this mark - its actually supposed to be a group effort so not a solo run - only ourselves to blame if marks are not as high . . . Nothing to hand in next week as it is spread over 2 weeks with 4 components forming the report and (guess what) 4 people in the group - I'm getting an idea here ..- lol . . .so we'll each complete 1 section of work - the first truly collaborative report.
Wednesday morning went for a swim - nothing too strenuous (that had me sweating on

AI was OK - was given a virtually unsolvable problem and asked to solve it . . . Peter was basically revising what he had covered with us over the last 3 lectures . . .
Thursday Software Construction and Lord Linlithgow had given us an introduction to trees last week which he continued and elaborated on - still struggling a bit with practical. Dealing with LinkedLists; Nodes; Mergesort etc - but not just allowed to make use of existing methods need to write our own - Practical basically have to type in a series of integers - store as objects in a LinkedList - then split this list into 2 - sort the integers (collection of objects) in numerical

And basically that was my week - did sit with Peter AI in the lab on Friday again - as I mentioned already - I now start and end my week with AI . . .
Oops nearly forgot - very chuffed with my Java GizzaPizza project for which I received 84% - Yipeee! time for celebrations! And Judi come over to my place so champers on ice and a quiet drink and a meal to celebrate the return on all the hours I put into that project - ALL of our outstanding marks should be out early next week - a number of assignments / project / exam marks still outstanding - I hope to be as happy towards the end of next week with my marks as I am this week . . .
Bye for now - keep smiling . . . .
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