Well its possible you know what's coming . . . lol - But let's start at the beginning. I am off to Rome tomorrow - Judi & I are off for 5 days - so before I went I thought I would sleep over at my Mum's place and take her for shopping the next day - I'm glad I did as it was nice to relax and have a good blether - we had a few whisky's a game of scrabble watched 'Have I got news for you' etc., - went shopping - she had bought a suitcase and asked them to keep for her as it was bit awkward size wise and we picked that up etc.,
Anyway I left her place at about 14h00 and arrived home some time before 15h00 - as I pulled up and got out of the car - something caught my eye - some movement - it turns out it was my curtains - I stood there for a few seconds trying to come to terms with it - that's weird because the window is not open and there is not gap or draught that I am aware of ???? I conjured up a few implausible explanations and then I stopped as I saw a gaping great hole in the window - suddenly it made sense - that was why the curtains were moving . . .it now made sense . . . phoned police - who seemed more interested in where I was born than my specific complaint - they gave me a case number that was that - all over the phone - next housing people - they were actually quite nice - a contractor working for them I think - he put up a board and that was it - earliest I can get it done Tuesday as it is a bank holiday Monday - Of course I will be in Rome and don't get back until late Thursday evening - probably Friday morning before I actually walk in here . . . . I'm sure it will be fine . . . Nothing much else I can do ??? My Mum offered to come and house sit whilst I'm away - but she doesn't really know anyone out here and its not the same when your in somebody else's place - so I told her it will be fine.
Photo's - speak for themselves - The brick, the whole brick (not quite) and nothing but the brick . . . souvenir . . . plus what's left of the window - looks safe to me - not . . . but I am convinced it will be fine - now where is my insurance policy - let me see am I covered for . . . . .