Well in a state of flux at the moment - waiting for results - waiting for dissertation subject to be approved - I have no doubt that I will have passed and in all likelihood will be given my first choice of dissertation topics . . . but until such time as it has been approved and it is confirmed that I am on the Masters part I feel uncertain and unsettled - I know once it has started it will be over before I know it and if I apply for Dublin and I am successful - I will need to complete my dissertation earlier to take up the Dublin appointment - so why am sitting around twiddling my thumbs - I have no idea!
Guess what - I went into the academic support services to talk to them about - wait for it PROCRASTINATION! I basically came away grinning from ear to ear - we had a chat about it and they gave me some material -so I've got a problem - well they asked me to tell them about it and I tried to explain that when I have a set deadline i.e. an exam next week Wednesday - No problem I can and will work 18 hours a day studying but when I have to hand something in in 3 months time - I think I have all the time n the world - there response - Yes, this is normal - how have my other assignments gone etc., Oh, you have handed them all in on time? No extensions? You seem to be doing very well, don't you think? DO you think you are / have procrastinated? You've been to see your prospective supervisor already - and you don't know if you'll get that topic - Very good (here is a chocolate for you . . [not really] but this is how it is going) - And you sound very organised / Project plans - all sorts of ideas - I'm impressed - you sound very good at this - a true therapist - I'll be walking on water soon - I think I'll just go for the water into wine trick - that could come in handy - as long as its red wine - I wonder if you get to choose . . lol. So my fears of procrastinating are unfounded it seems and I was worried too - oh well I can sit back and relax then . . . lol - not! Left with a meditation CD and some hand outs from the last procrastination workshop they ran - apparently the person who complied the CD is both a therapist and a hypnotist - so I am looking forward to trying it out. Discussed South Africa / Self Actualisation / Balance in life & study - making time for fun and further studies . . .also therapist is from Rome so when she heard I was going to Rome on the weekend we had a good blether about that as well . . .
Just came across this - Judi discovered this in the Weekend Guardian - sounded interesting and within no time . . . hope you enjoy!
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