Rome of course - Once the centre of the World as we knew it . . . Lots to see - and do - too many restaurants to try out - but almost without a doubt somewhere that I will return to . . . .
I've taken loads of photo's - need to just sift through and decide which are the best - if I had to choose just a few that is - will post a few more on webshots as well - will post link as well.
Rome Photo Album - click here
Had to leave my window as shown in last week's blog whilst I was away as the earliest they could do it was on Tuesday - no good for me as I explained - took some of my more valuable possessions i.e. my computers to my Mum's for safe-keeping and hoped and prayed for the best . . . . and it was fine.
I know I should just be getting on with my dissertation but for one reason or another I am finding it very difficult to get any direction at the moment - what has happened is we had to vote for topics that we wanted to do and also we are awaiting our marks to hear whether we are able to continue to Masters level - now I obviously do not have a crystal ball but I would assume that I have achieved the minimum of 50 % and more 1st attempt for each exam and or assignment or project - what am I waiting for basically:
a) Project Methodology
b) Software Construction
c) Designing Usable Systems
d) 2nd part of e-Commerce
e) Artificial Intelligence
once we have these marks we would know ourselves where we stood - but need confirmation that we have been nominated to continue with our dissertation. Then secondly we had to vote for our topics - I voted for one - and chose another 3 as back up in case my first choice was not available - I have subsequently got another topic and seem to be oscillating between my top two which are all about teaching Java programming and now my new option which is about the visualisation of search results . . . I need to make my decision as I am going to apply for PhD studentships and in my opinion the topic could be quite important in this regard.

So I just feel I am in limbo at them moment as I don't know what is happening one way or another - when I had my exams - no problem I could sit here and study non stop for days . . . but at the moment I'm just seem to be tredding water . . . . lol - Oh well, I imagine it will all change within a very short space of time as soon as the results become known. - Needless to say I'll keep you posted.
Some useless - interesting information - according to my new source www.petrolprices.com
Station : Dunglass Service Station, Dumbarton Road, Milton, Dumbarton
Brand : Esso
Distance: 2.81 miles
Price : 95.9p
Updated : 03-06-2007
This is the cheapest petrol around here . . . . penny wise pond foolish they say . . .
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