The Che theme was inspired - by's Monday Phenomenon newsletter.

Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara de la Serna was born in Argentina on 14 June 1928. Guevara enrolled at the University of Buenos Aires in 1948 to study medicine. In 1951 he interrupted his studies and took a year off to travel across South America - (the subject of a film recently 'Motorcycle Diaries'). This journey ended up shaping his beliefs, Guevara witnessed widespread poverty and oppression. He was influenced by Marxist literature and concluded that an armed revolution was the only solution. It was during this time that his ideal of a borderless, united Ibero-America began to take shape.
After finishing his studies, Guevara went to Guatemala, where he befriended Cuban exiles 'the 26th of July Movement' linked to Fidel Castro. It was during this period that Guevara acquired his nickname ‘Che’, as a result of his frequent use of the Argentine interjection which translates loosely as ‘hey’ or ‘pal’.
In July 1955, Guevara was introduced to Fidel Castro who had just been released from prison in Cuba. Che was immediately convinced that he had met his revolutionary leader, Guevara joined the 26th of July Movement aimed at toppling the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.In March 1965 Guevara suddenly disappeared from political life in Cuba. He and Castro had decided that he would lead Cuba’s first military action in sub-Saharan Africa. The operation was carried out in support of the pro-Patrice Lumumba Marxist movement in the Congo-Kinshasa. He collaborated with the guerilla leader Laurent-Desire Kabila, but his attempts at a guerilla-led revolution failed. This was in part because South African mercenaries and Cuban exiles worked with the Congolese army to foil Guevara by cutting off his supply lines and monitoring his communications.
Over the years he has become a symbol of resistance and to my surprise recently at an anti-war rally here in Glasgow, I overheard a young Moslem teenager asking his friend who the hell is he??? I couldn't resist sharing some of Che's background with him - I hope it meant something to him . . . that is the kind of symbol Che has become - t-shirts / flags / posters etc., - quite a legacy . . .He had a ruthless reputation dealing with people whom he believed to be traitors and or of a different political persuasion and whilst he was in charge of the national prison was said to have been personally responsible for give the order for 100's of prisoners to be executed - without trial.
Just heard the breaking news on CapeTalk that Lucky Dube has been killed - apparently they tried to hijack his car and shot and killed him in the process . . .
Spent the weekend at Judi's - June has finally had her baby - Joshua - phew! at last . . . . and Judi came down with a bug and was really really ill over the weekend - and in fact she is still ill and guess what I am just starting to feel like I am coming down with flu - so Yippee! I may have picked up the bug myself . . .
So I received my final mark for my dissertation 65% and this gives me overall MSc with merit . . .so this was the final final mark that was still outstanding . . . so I can now say although I was fairly confident that I had passed . . its nice to have it confirmed . . . officially . . . so on 29 October - I bend the knee - some geezer hits me on the head with a cap and hands me a scroll of paper - which is my passport to success . . . . That's how it supposed to work is it not . . .lol.
Jobwise - still searching- sent off a an application recently that comes close to my list of prerequisites . . . involves a web site which covers football . . . .
Picked up a large screen TV for my Mum - a bargain - via Martin Lewis money saving expert website - well I subscribe to his newsletter - what did I find - LCD 37 inch TV - a bargain . . . and good quality . . . I am tempted myself . . . a luxury I know.
I am afraid I can feel my energy level draining . . . so will have to finish off for the time being . . . may add or put up additional posting . . .With regards to the RWC - Springboks 24 - England 16 . . . hope to be going to the pub with Phil from uni an England supporter - balance things out . . . we've been texting each other throughout the tournament - had some good banter going there . . . . so this is basically the culmination of the whole tournament - seeing as I predicted France and Argentina in the final - you'll not be putting much stock in my score then . . . perhaps I should change the score then to make sure it is the other way round . . . lol
Lastly Georgia on my mind . . . Scotland 0 - Georgia 2 . . . this weekend see's the big football derby Rangers & Celtic - similar in stature to Man U & City / Liverpool & Everton / etc., - Football is the national sport - up there with Golf - which is revered here.
all started in article Road warriors are coming from the heart by Emily Bouchard
What is all about - in a nutshell - people who believe they can make a difference - and take to the road to try and do so . . . hence the name Road Warriors.

Lucky Dube - Together As One Lyrics
In my whole life,
My whole life
I've got a dream (x2)
Too many people
Hate apartheid
Why do you like it? (x2)
Chorus: (x3)
Hey you rasta man
Hey European,Indian man
We've got to come together as one
Not forgetting the Japanese
The cats and the dogs
Have forgiven each other
What is wrong with us (x2)
All those years
Fighting each other
But no solution (x2)
Chorus: (x2)
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