(Motivational posters (not) accessed from www.despair.com
Well I told you I had started working again and it is all Go, Go, Go - lots of intensive analysis and trying to get to grips with what is actually going on - as you can imagine it is very difficult to parachute yourself in behind enemy lines - and try to instantiate yourself i.e. get to talk their language and understand their actual business . . . it is a real challenge one that I am enjoying though . . . majority of the people we are dealing with are most helpful and our profile has been raised with a memo that went out to everyone explaining that we had come on board and exactly what our role is . . . . so lets hope it gets just a wee bit easier . . . . we hope . . . .
Two things of note - company that hired me to work with this utility company 'XYZ' consultancy - had a meeting with us last Friday - and to cut a long story short it went on longer than it should have - everyone agrees - anyway eventually I had to say that I had to leave - so I could catch my train . . . I did so - did the 100m dash to the s

I had also agreed to pick a carpet from my Aunt's place for Maureen (my sister) - and had phoned and arranged to pick it up - so I had to phone a cancel all of this.
Had to phone one of the people on my team - to get security's phone number and arrange to get them to open up for me etc., - so 2 trains to get back - 2 trains back to car and I was home by 22h15 - exhausted, is a mild term describing how I felt . . . . . As if the work itself was not enough I had to add this to the whole equation . . .
I have to admit I have been asking a lot of questions - it seems as if I spend most of my life at the moment at work - that is how it seems - sleep ; eat ; travel ; work ; eat ; work ; travel ; eat ; sleep etc., . . . the evening just flies by - does not feel like any real passage of time before it is time for bed . . . . at first I was going to bed about 22h30 - but I am trying to push that slightly now . . . but that comes at a cost as well . . . - just seems there should be a lot more to life . . .

Wednesday I was in Edinburgh in the morning and Dundee in the afternoon . . . . quite a bit of travelling - I slept over at Judi's place so was at the office early in the morning as she stays not to far away - walked around the corner and caught the No 11 and was there in 10 minutes . . . . phew!
Tuesday morning - major accident on the A82 - I left home at about 07h40 and within about 3 miles from home hit the traffic - I sent P a text to tell her I'd be late - bumper to bumper - radio said a car had over-turned - took about 1 and half hours just to get out of Dumbarton - by this time I had convinced myself I had left the hot water tap on - so I had to go home and of course it was fine . . . . then drove or should I say I attempted to drive to station - abandoned car - in Bellsmyre still and walked to station . . . . instead of 08h40 I arrived at work at about 10h40 - what a waste of time . . . . lol

Went to the dentist this morning . . . been having toothache and problems with my gums . . . . Holly still there (from NZ) whilst my dentist (Lucy) is still on maternity leave . . . a couple of X-rays later and a whole host of appointments - 4 in total . . . my gums are bad and need to see the oral hygienist - I am currently using Corsoydl to rinse my mouth - my oral hygienist recommended it some time ago . . . . Lets hope I get it all sorted . . .
Well - How goes it with Christmas shopping - I'm actually quite happy - I think - I want to wrap things this weekend to see where I am - as I think I have enough already . . . . for everyone - Judi; my Mum; Maureen; Fiona; Rozita & Rosario etc., - and the odd present for myself - I bought a PC tablet - will have to take it along to PC club - and try to play around with it prior to the next meeting - bought it when I saw you can take notes (free hand) and that it can be added as part of a Word document . . . . and I couldn't resist a travel bag - binoculars ; a compass etc.,

May I just take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year . . . . . I plan to spend Christmas with Judi & the boys and Boxing day with Maureen & Mum . . . New Year I hope to be relaxing at home and will invite my Mum and we can phone all and sundry (Yes, that's you James) . . . lol.
Stay well - warm (it has been -7 in some places over the last few days - really bitter) and safe.
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