(All photo's courtesy of Nina and her trip to Port Nolloth, near Namibia - her home town and she is truly objective about the place [not]. This time all Namaqualand flowers . . . )
Well all quiet on the western front - we had a quick meeting on Monday at work . . . all of us round the table and within 5 minutes we had a working agreement - all's well that ends well . . . at the end of the day a lot of the problems can quite simply be ascribed to a lack of communication . . . we have all addressed this and I think we now understand each other and guess what - the major problems we had were caused by a comedy of errors - but clearly data integrity - i.e. we were not entering the information correctly . . . and then to top it all off we were working in GIS and forgot to commit and post our changes . . . so the guys must think - oh-oh that lot again . . .lol

Rosario's birthday - my niece's little boy - what a cracker he is - all over the place as 2 year olds are - I got him in the bathroom - standing on the bath and he had turned the hot water on - there was face cloth in the sink so it would have over-flowed in another few seconds - very dangerous as he was precariously balanced as it was - let alone burning himself and pulling back and falling . . . needs lots of boundaries which I am afraid to say he ain't getting . . . . now my niece has found a job - working night shift so not sure how that is all going to work . . . even fewer boundaries if you ask me . . . lol - phew - many problems to come I fear . . .

Had a strange and very interesting dream - I am in some large dormitory . . . . lots of people sleeping together - single beds - difficult to describe . . . suddenly I am aware that this person Yvette who used to study at University of Cape Town but whom I don't know but have accepted an invitation to become her friend on Facebook on the Internet (what actually happened Facebook saw we both studied at UCT the same year and probably sent us both emails - I thought she had sent it and thought it might have been one of the girls in my class - I didn't read it properly and clicked on it to accept - Facebook then sent her an email and she eventually accepted - so we don't actually know each other but the wonder of technology somehow joined us / connected us - haven't spoken to her) - anyway weird as it may seem in my dream

Received an email from Benita - first really cold day in South Africa - she had on the scarf I bought her . . . . how diametrically opposite could we be - I email her back and tell her really first day of really hot weather here . . . .
All a bit weird as you say but amazing . . .
Work continues to get busier and somehow I ma getting bogged down and exhausted - problems with systems again - lack of information - half the story etc., - but then still having to train people under these circumstances as work has to be done . . . . for the second time in less than a week - I've had to basically go straight to bed on coming home - now I don't about you guys but that is not a good sign - I don't think! Hmmmm!
This Friday evening is the big Hilton Bash . . . and I am going ala Bonnie Prince Charlie . . . lol - watch this space!