Photo's - Clifton 4th Beach and then 1st Beach. Our accommodation in Milnerton '12 Bells' - Chapman's Peak Drive with Hout Bay in the background - the Lapa where I had my birthday party
So as I was saying - Aquila was great fun and in all honesty a new experience for me! One which I really enjoyed - having lived in Africa for most of my life but never having been on a Safari - I was both intrigued and because I thought I was not really in Darkest Africa (only on the tip of Africa) - I had my reservations . . . . lol - but as I say it was really well worth it.
Came back and the very next day we were off to Madame Zagara - entertainment - more contortionists and a couple of singers - but very professionally done . . . throughly enjoyed the whole evening - food included . . . mine was meat with a chocolate sauce . . . .
The following evening it was another restaurant - Stardust - basically Arts students - who performed in between courses . . . also good fun - all acted as a good prelude to my actual birthday - the star of the show.
The party was to be held at the Goodwood Sports Club - I went through on Thursday and the woman kept talking about finalising the menu - and I thought what is she talking about - but it turned out (I think it was all set up) they wanted me to use their caterer - which is supposedly a prerequisite for hiring the premises . . . needless to say I had my own caterer and had signed a contract with them - so there was no way I could suddenly say - fine lets use someone else - well they made it quite a long story and the penalty was a plate of food for the person who wo

The whole thing had been planned initially to take place at Big Bay - but at the last minute that was being used for a National competition . . . . and they decided that I could no longer have the booking / venue - argh! Not a problem - I will switch everything at the last minute .... lol.
Anyway Sat night 15 - fast approached and I am pleased to say everything went well . . . could have been more people - but I must admit the majority of people did turn up so all n all - we did not badly for someone who lives in Scotland . . . . I must say that I felt as if I was runnign around when I would have preferred to j

The food - Brusce's Catering - we had 3 starters and a lamb spit roast as well as a Veggie pot roast and salads / rolls etc., - there were 2 desserts - Malva Pudding & as well as custard and ice cream as well. I really enjoyed the music Boab Tree - thoguht they were outstanding - very Jazzy - quite South American - very pleasant indeed.
My only other comment - could have been because I was running around - was that it was a bit dis-jointed - i.e. not everyone knew everyone else - so there were little cliques - my fault to a degree I suppose ???
Anyway on the whole I thought it was a mild success . . . . lol
That was the first 50 years of my life on this planet . . . . .
My speech:
First I stated that I was very grateful that people who knew me so well and had sahred so many years with me were there - starting with my Mum and of course my sister - as well as Jessila (my ex-wife) with whom I had spent 20 wonderful years - then of course my children Samantha and Arran - and then people like Sharon, whom I was at school with - Graeme my nephew as well as all my friends from Telkom etc.,

I was struck by an analogy for life one morning just before going for a swim - the swimming pool was without a wave and it suddenly struck that that was what life was all about i.e. we come into life and we make waves - which ripple through life and even when you get out of the pool they are still there - so you interact and are part of things you didn't even realise - even although you yourself are not consciously aware of them.
I had bought a book just prior to my party - it was all about the meaning of life - the eternal question and there was a recurring theme - one of Love - which linked in very well with a present I had been given - and I would like to quote from Khalil Gibran
Think not you can direct the course of love
For Love, if it finds you worthy,
directs your course.
Basically I would just like to thank everyone for joining me in seeing the sun set on the first 50 years of my life
and I'd just like to point out that it is all a matter of perception
and rather than seeing this as the end please join me in seeing this as a new beginning - as one thing ends another begins
and so it is with life.

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