My how the time flies by . . . went for an interview - they did say we'll let you know by the weekend - still not heard anything so not looking too good - I'd no idea it was going to drag on like this - thought I'd be snapped up . . . lol - Need to reassess and get cracking - economy looking like it is going to go into meltdown . . . You just don't know what your going to hear today - RBS & HBOS losing 40% of their value in a day??? Now RBS CEO to resign tomorrow because of how much money they need to borrow from this government bail out now ordinary companies share values dropping as well . . . scary.
Enough doom and gloom though - the markets will do what they want and have to do - you & I will carry on though - yes things might get a bit tougher but not having lots of money in the bank or in shares - does not really have the impact it might - I think were going to see major shifts - whether we will ever really hear the true story of what is going on - I doubt it - when Bush came into power (I couldn't resist) the US had a surplus look at them now . . . ??? GO Obama go!
Went to see Drever; McCusker & Woomble - at the old Fruitmarket - City Hall - was a great concert - June Talbot was the supporting act also very good and of course Eddie Reader made a guest appearance - on the way to the concert and elderly couple asked me if I knew where the City Halls were and I just said Ah McCusker - follow me - I saw them exchanging glances and on the way we got talking and it turns out htat they were John McCusker's parents . . .lol - a small world - is it not.
Went to see a couple of movies - Mutant Chronicles - avoid like the plague; City of Embers - which I enjoyed - more of a kiddies film - but I enjoyed it - Bill Murray is the corrupt mayor and Tim Robbins is the one kids father . . . then I went to see Taken - Liam Neeson turns into James Bond when his 17 year old daughter is kidnapped . . . kind of James Bond / Bourne etc., - bodies everywhere . . .
Otherwise a wee bit quiet - heard from a friend, Helen, in South Africa and she has come up with an interesting business opportunity which I will be exploring - and it might just be a winner . . . I think it is worth getting into - so that might keep me busy whilst not gainfully employed . . . we'll see.
Couple of interesting things I came across this week -
- Widgipedia Not sure what widgets are read this article
- The last page (tongue in cheek)
- newspaper front pages
- Make this your new home page?
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