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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Digging deep . . . 1st Assignment . . .

Cheating but all photo's mine - taken in Brugge, Belguim - earlier this year.

I am breaking with tradition here - but I need to just comment - or I feel I do, on Saddam's death sentence - I can't believe it - I know what he done - but is this how we show people how we deal with someone who has killed other people - we kill him??? Come on, that just does not make sense to me - we'll show you the errors of your ways by doing exactly what you done . . .am I missing something here???? Just a little too convenient / nicely timed for the US elections - methinkest . . . I'll leave it at that!

OK a really difficult end of last week – beginning of this week . . .glad to say it’s over and what a lovely surprise towards the end of the week.

“What’s it all about Andrew?” sung to the tune of What’s it all about Alfie - quite simple really what happened was that I was struggling with Java – and then I started putting some more time into it – except that the more time I put into it the more frustrated I became because I just wasn’t hacking it – I would spend 2 hours in the lab – working out what the hell the exercise was actually asking me to do – in fairness it was a step up from previous examples as this was the first time we had had 2 classes – so I wasn’t sure – but instead of getting some help (with the Java – not counselling . . .lol – well not yet) – I just soldiered on and it just kept making more and more frustrated and in the background there was the assignment still to do . . . I even started asking “Am I on the right course?” – “can I actually cope with this?” – I think you know what I mean – you just start to really doubt things and a wee bit of low self esteem and before you know where you are its “Oh woe is me!” . . . .well it took me a few days but I just decided – “That’s it “ – stop this nonsense – No 1 priority is to get my assignment finished – Java will just have to wait . . .and I’ll sit down with it as soon as I have finished my assignment and tackle it and if I get stuck – tough – I’ll go to one of our tutors or someone who can just look at my code and say – here is where you are going wrong . . . and it has transformed the way I look at things – I feel back on top of the world and even volunteered as the class representative – to represent our class in meetings with faculty etc., can I afford the time – will I be able to cope with Java – I believe so – have I sorted out my Java problem? DO I now know what is going on? Simple answer = No! But I have a plan of action and boy what a difference that makes.

So what else transpired this week. Well week kicks off with Richard Glassey – Internet Programming – we are looking at databases at moment. This subject we will have a project – a restaurant guide for Glasgow – haven’t seen the database yet – but basically person must be able to give their preference or be able to search (on a web page) what is available – in a certain genre or maybe location or price range ???? It’s another programming language really – being able to create and query, amend etc., Then a Java lab – which I devoted to going over previous – to ensure that I understood it . . .We sandwiched in an extra class as Reuben was off ill last week – looked at some new theory – covered inheritance and started polymorphism – which we completed on Thursday. Reuben was in fine form on Thursday morning – had us quite interested with his introduction to the subject – I like him – he is different – he tries to instil a sense of what we are doing in programming is modelling the real world in one or the other – which we lose sight of I think – he does have a very unorthodox approach – and he is very old school. I was a bit disappointed that he took his material straight form the Headfirst book as I have that and like an additional approach – but it was like having copies of his slides really.

After Java it was a case of everyone making straight for the computer labs – to work on their assignments – I’ve rarely seen everyone pulling together the way we all did on Thursday – most of us worked from about 12h00 till past 18h00 – trying to complete it – there was quite a sense of community – people were running around having a quick look asking other people about things if they weren’t sure etc., - and quite a lot of things were cleared up there and then – word count; whether it had to be submitted electronically; etc., we’d get someone to go away and check – other people had emails they had received in reply to queries . . .I just hope it was the right story – someone spread story your word count could be 20% over or below limit – which personally I have my doubts about as we were told no less than 2500 & no more than 3000 – anyway I hope for everyone’s sake that the 20% is correct as quite a few people are weighing in at 3500 or thereabouts. Anyway I finished my assignment @ about 18h00 and printed it off – now this is a first for me – I usually work and make changes and footer around with it – read something else, include it etc – for all the available time and only hand in on the dot or close to the time. But I just decide that’s it no further . . . and I promised myself I wouldn’t read it again that night – I couldn’t actually hand it in but I had it ready. Went home relaxed watched the football had a whisky and just chilled . . .OK – I did pull it out later – spotted a few things and was up @ 06h00 the next morning and down @ the station at 07h03 only to see the train just leave Dumbarton Central station and had to wait half an hour for the next train – made it into Uni for 08h00 still and had my essay printed and ready by 08h45 – one or two little cosmetic changes again . . .am I happy with the finished product – that is a difficult call – I think it could have been better – it’s a little bit superficial . . .maybe too many quotes – Oh for goodness sake – you see why I just decided enough is enough – I can be a real fuss-pot at times . . . . the usual suspects (classmates) were in the lab again early morning.

The week ends with Information Retrieval with Monica – it can be such a dry subject – she was off last week as well – and we had had an assignment to hand in for her for Monday – I can assure you I would not have had much time for this – if we still had to but – because she had been away at a conference then sick it meant that we had not had classes for a while . . . thank goodness it was postponed . . .now Antonio sat in front of me and he was making little (Blade Runner) origami figures and then paper airplanes and throwing them out the window – then we would all jump up to see their flight path – we are on the 4th floor McCance building –we were doing a group exercise . . . Monica tries her best to instil enthusiasm and I thought her examples of Pizzas was excellent - it helped to illustrate her point very well – the only problem being I had skipped breakfast to get to Uni – so after all this talk I was starting to feel really famished. We had Steven Buchanan straight afterwards and he does not take kindly to us coming late – anyway Stephen (my class mate & I decided to get something to eat in between the two classes and still make it to class more or less in the same time as everyone else – as I say he was not pleased but we weren’t really any later than any of the others . . . After classes a few of us went for a couple of beers – we let our hair down after assignment stress etc.,

I’m actually very happy the way things unfolded – I’ve got to know myself just a wee bit better and it’s helped me to grow, as a person. As I said I volunteered to be the class representative – although I did say I would be happier if people chose me – but it seems after having asked for a class rep on a number of occasions nothing has happened – I told a couple of people and Rory said I have his vote and he mentioned most of the others in our Grid group and said I had been duly elected . . .lol. Oh and a surprise mail from Judi – which was most welcome – made my week . . . .looking forward to next week.


PS – it is freezing here in Scotland tonight

Subject: Coursework Submission: CS.501 - Enterprise Architecture
From: "Coursework Submission" <******>
Date: Fri, November 3, 2006 9:19 am
To: *****
Priority: Normal

Coursework Submission Receipt

Course: MSc Computer & Internet Technologies
Module: CS.501 - Enterprise Architecture
Assignment Number: 1
Recorded Submission Date/Time: 20061103 (09.19.19)
Late Submission? no

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