Well that’s 2 months into the new bohemian lifestyle . . . well I never – didn’t realise quite how much work it would be – or how fast the time would go by but I digress this is how the week went . . .
Monday was free this week – well I say free but most of the time was taken up by Bellsmyre Digital Community as we had advertised for a Project Officer – and we conducted interviews on Monday morning – we had three candidates and completed our 1 on 1’s by 13h00 – adjourned for lunch and discussed the appointment – only made a final decision, after clearing something up, on Tuesday evening @ 19h05. Monday evening is my Braidfield drop-in class, which is a pleasure as I have been conducting this for about 3 years now – no everyone on and even although I am paid for this it is more like the Bellsmyre Blue Chip computer club. . .its just a get together and a blether (local word for skinner).
Went to IT in business - and our group, Matthias, Nicolette, Ratna & myself - presented our Romeo & Juliet themed slides – was by far the most original and was good fun – received some encouraging feedback. Basically we used the Montague’s & the Capulet’s – to emphasise the two sides to our debate – started it all off by saying it’s not about Romeo & Juliet but rather Andrew & Nicolette etc., just an original approach. I skipped Internet Programming as I attended Jean’s funeral – which was a nice service – very short and to the point – much like Jean – and could identify with some of the anecdotal stories the minister shared with us about Jean.
Wednesday – always starts with Java – we are all working on our project – so that is ticking along nicely. We were supposed to have an extra class with Columbo (Reuben) but he never turned up. Then it was more PHP with Richard and it seems they have just slipped in another task of building a PHP blog – no idea when it is to be handed in and haven’t even had a look at it yet. . Still trying to get some JavaScript validation to work . . .the joys. Wednesday evening was student rep training - just an introduction - I waas amazed how many people when asked why they were there turned round and said it will look good on their CV . . . well at least they were honest. Went for a quick beer afterwards with Andy & Idong - met Christine from ILS group - she represents about 50 students . Andy & myself only have about 25 between us.
Thursday another Java class – we were sitting waiting when one of the secretaries came in to say Reuben’s car had broken down and that instead of 10h00 he would be in @ 11h00 – so I wrote a big message on the blackboard and then went off to the lab to work on some other stuff. Came back at about 11h00 – no sign of him and then as I was about to leave he came in – about 11h20 well if I should say he stumbled in – I’m not jumping to conclusions but there appear to be a problem – I’m not sure what it is. I am torn between not wanting to cause trouble and a genuine concern that maybe he needs help. (I’ll keep you posted on what I decide.)
Thursday evening – was doubled booked – Post grad welcome evening & Connect seminar. Worked out Connect started @ 18h00 & post grad event 17h30 so was able to go to post grad event then rush across to the Connect seminar. So just grabbed a drink and some food then left for Connect, where the presentation was a bit dry – investments company talking about how they go about there business – included venture capital etc., - David, in my class, asked a question as to how he could £10m for a project he was working on – I nearly died as he was sitting next to me and I thought it was inappropriate. . anyway each to their own. The one big plus factor was meeting Sabrina – who has agreed to let me interview her as part of my project for IT in Business. She is an entrepreneur and is starting up her own business as we speak – it is in the travel industry. I’ll let you know how that progresses and I should have a photo as I will be taking my camera to the interview, still all to be set up. Before the seminar did not know whom I would interview and it had been suggested that this may be a good opportunity to try and network – did not really expect to find someone straight away.
That brings us to Friday – always enjoy both Information Retrieval where we had a workshop, with the same visiting professor from see how critical he is of our essays ….lol.
Things seem to be proceeding nicely – hard work – a great bunch and wow the time just flies, till next week.
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