I started this Blog Sep 06 - when I enrolled as a Masters student in Computing and Internet Technologies - now successfully completed. From now on will use the Blog as an update on where I am and what I am up to. A new chapter begins . . .
Lets see a few photos - not in any order at the moment 1) Brown Fish Owl - In India . . . 2) Gerard Dowling - builds a sculpture with traffic cones - I just wonder what he is smoking . . . (photo Julian Behal) 3) Saurahb Das photo of Kabul Afghanistan - goalposts - a bit drab looking don't ya think 4) sniff sniff - House season 5 grinds to a halt - one of few programs I watch on TV 5) Google Sky launches - photo Reuters 6) Getty Images photo Viktor Korotayev - Russian air force display 7) True democracy in Bolivia1's Congress - free for all . . . . your entitled to my point of view
Well since arriving back from London its work work work - although for a wee bit of variety I did go to the dentist - and Holly (standing in for my dentist Lucy) who is from New Zealand removed and replaced one of my fillings - pleased to say she was a hell of a lot better that the butcher from Dumbarton (nee Seville) . . lol - she only gave me one injection - I am sure the butcher gave me half a dozen OK at least four . . . . Met Robert on same day to sign a cheque - still have signing powers for Bellsmyre Digital Community - although due to work (uni) commitments - I have not been able to attend much lately - believe the council has awarded some interim funds again - this will keep it going for another few months.
What else - Yes took me Mum shopping Thursday - nothing much Lidl and then Aldi - where I bought for me an Internet radio . . . works off my wireless modem - I'll need to take it up to the Computer club and give a demo . . if only I could get the bloody thing to work . . lol - I just don't have the time to go through all the settings on my wireless modem and then the radio . . .basically it picks up from my modem and connects to about 6500 radio stations anywhere in the world - have a look at Reciva Internet Radio - main thing I wanted to know was I could get my beloved somafm on it - which I've checked I should be able to . . . . I'm happy as soon as I finish my dissertation - sleep for a few days - I'll sort it . . .. lol. Off to see the rugby today Scotland Vs South Africa . . . . really looking forward to it - seeing as the football went well on Wednesday Scotland 1 - South Africa 0 - lets see if they can do it today . . lol
Apologies - been ages but I had to finish dissertation . . . . Just going to pick up and finish off here . OK so Fiona my niece arrived on Thursday 27 August - with Rozita (4) and Rozario (18 months) in tow. . . . I have no idea how that is all going to work out - she will be staying with her Mom and as I say I hope it all works out fine - it is going to be a major adjustment for everyone there . . . a kinda watch this space really. I personally, it seems have long forgotten how much energy they have at that age - Rozario sticks everything in his mouth and loves climbing up and in things . . . . if this si what they are like before they get to know because they are shy etc., - Heaven help us . . . lol! I'm sure it will be fine.
Well its been non-stop work on my dissertation - went to see Murray and he was hppy with my work - he had read through everything - a few suggestions but otherwise fine . . . in the end I underestimated the amount of work to physically finish off - there is nothing worse than deciding that you need an additional figure only to discover that that has moved everything 1 page - or worse on some of the chapters & sub-paragraphs on - which means you have to go through the whole dissertation again . . . things like that - consistency in using capital letters in headings etc., - all mind numbing type stuff . . . . but hey we got there . . . handed finished product for printing and I pick it up tomorrow 6 September and then I will physically hand it in tomorrow morning . . .Yipee! which is a very subdued exclamation for how I feel at the moment - well it has not really sunk in yet . . .
Judi & I are off this weekend to the Lake district as a winding down and to get some quality time together . . . I'm really looking forward to it - never been down there before . . . here it is very much like Scotland - Loch's, Hills, etc.,
So where to from here - well I have now applied at Stirling university for a PhD - we will have to see if I am more successful here.
I took some photo's at the rugby - so I will do a separate posting for that.
Glasgow - Heathrow - Hanwell - Uxbridge - Kings Cross - Baron's Gate - Ealing Broadway - Hanwell - Euston - Glasgow Wow - quite the sub-heading . . . but that's what it was like really . . .
Photo's - Bubbles off course - Sam & Hud at canal - and some general canal photo's this is about 5 minutes stroll from there place - next to Ealing hospital . . .
OK -where to start - went down to London on Wednesday - last week - I had a flight with BMI that I had booked by mistake, a year ago . . . a long story, cost me £2.99 but add the taxes and it was £30 (a single) - linked to Sam's 30th - another story (Kinda roundabout when this blog started - now that I think about it . . .) anyway . . . I should have known I was in for an adventure - just before I left for the airport, I realised that I had forgotten my passport at home - now remember Glasgow airport - came under an attempted terrorist attack recently - as in they tried to drive the vehicle into the departure / check-in area . . . and it somehow didn't make it into the building but burnt part of the building outside and caused quite a bit of damage . . . two of the attackers died from burns . . . and another is still to appear in court as far as I know. Anyway - I'm thinking what are my chances of getting on the plane with no passport . . . this after I had ordered my taxi . . . hmmm - what the hell let's give a go . . . I had slept over at my Mum's place as she stays a lot closer than I do to the airport . . . left telling her I might see her again soon . . . arrived at airport - went straight to check in after deciding better get this over with asap - so we know where we stand and still and outside chance I could race home and get passport if needed (was that possible - in my mind, yes) . . .went to quick check-in - as there had been a problem the day before I could not print my boarding pass . . .
(an aside: Look let's be honest - who's fooling who here - I make the booking on the Internet - I check in before the time on the Internet and now I have to print off my boarding pass - then when I arrive in theory all I have to do is drop off my suitcase, in the quick drop-off bag queue - except every other person has done this as well - so the quick drop-off queue - has everyone in it and the old queue, where you check yourself in etc., - has no one in it . . . . . ????? Am I stupid or just cynical . . . ????)
back to main story . . . . OK so you put the credit card you made the booking with into the machine and it retrieves your information - lo and behold it has me, with the ticket it allocated the day before all I have to do now is drop my suitcase off . . . I ask the floating assistant about passport but I am quick to pull out my student card (thought I'll try my luck - it does have my picture on it . . . photo ID??) - she looks at it and says that's fine - as long as I have photo ID - that was the first and the last time I had to show this - hang on sorry - when I eventually got to check-in my suitcase as well - they like the owner to have picture ID for that ??? Did not know my current student card was so highly regarded - have more respect for uni now . . . lol. Flight uneventful - was asleep before we lifted off and then woke up - Jeez, that was quick . . . only to realise we ain't gone anywhere yet . . .
Arrived at Heathrow - caught the Heathrow connect going to Paddington - got off at Hanwell -15 minute journey - walked round to Sam's place - Hud had hidden the keys for me in the garden . . . .under some stones . . . let myself in and kicked back and relaxed was about 13h30 . . . i.e. carried on with uni work - met Bubbles - newest addition to the household a cat that Sam & Hud have adopted . . . only been with them for about 2 weeks and because its not a kitten still being kept inside . . . . a cute little Missy . . . Bubbles . . . no more like Missy as she has sass. Hud came home about 17h30 and we soon left for the Jazz Cafe - Hud decided to drive (this would turn out to be a mistake . . . ) went to eat and then watch Terry Callier - who was fantastic . . . this was all booked as a surprise by Hud - I'm really impressed - he could turn into a good son-in-law yet . . . meal was excellent all 'n all a great evening - left about 12'ishafter a few, well known McKenzie fast foot shuffles on the dance floor - well 2 McKenzie's actually - Sam & I - Hud does not partake much in that sport . . . walked to the car - and lo and behold they had smashed the rear window - it's a brand new Audi station wagon - very popular with reps - which is what Hud does - thankfully he had the foresight to take all his stock out . . . so it was just the inconvenience . . .it was about 20 metres from a main road - in Camden Town . . .a bit of a damper on the evening . . .
Next day is all a bit mixed up - Hud phoning and arranging for window to be replaced - Virgin cable guy in and out - trying to sort out cable connection - Sam & Hud leaving for Zurich for long weekend - we eventually get to take a stroll along the canal next to Ealing hospital . . .very picturesque and we went for lunch at the Viaduct - a pub with in staggering distance of Sam & Hud's place . . . the pub is ye olde English pub run by a Polish family now - you see this all over now . . .plus they care and give really good service - obviously invested in it and intend making sure that it works . . .
Sam & Hud left about 16h30 . . . and I had the place to myself - dissertation time - had to work on my project as the hand-in date is ever looming closer - so my hanging out in Hanwell was not really about hanging out, but rather work! Yes, that dirty 4 letter word we all shy away from . . . lol
Anyway only thing of not was Bubbles and I getting to know each other and my decision that a cat can not stay int he house all the time its unnatural - so Thursday late afternoon, I let her out and I wanted her to see that she could come and go as she pleased - if she thought every time she popped out from the bushes she was going to be grabbed and dragged back into the house, I thought she'll just not show herself - I noticed she seemed a bit nervous / unsure of herself - so I let her out and she even came back running up to me - I resisted the temptation of grabbing her then and she was off again - well half an hour later I caught sight of her on top of someones garden shed two houses away - there is almost a second row of houses, all garden sheds - along which she can basically walk - she had gone into shake mode as there was a little red robin flitting around the gardens . . . someone seemed to be shouting at Bubbles - I saw her cringe and she slinked off at speed - then she was gone - I waited and waited - was on top of a chair trying to see in the neighbours yards - the next door neighbour closed there bathroom window as that is basically where I was standing - was half expecting the front door bell to go - with police standing there coming to investigate complaints of some peeping tom set loose . . .I eventually gave up - sat down in the lounge was working away when I suddenly heard a noise behind me - there was Bubbles, obviously hungry after jumping from rooftop to rooftop - not a care in the world - as only cats can be . . . . they honour you with there presence - our role in life to keep them well fed and amuse them sometimes . . .
Nothing much else happened - car window replacement guy turned up albeit 2 and a 1/2 hours late - mumbled and complained about where was he supposed to park - he'd have to carry all the tools from the car to Hud's car -he doesn't have an adaptor for the vacuum etc., etc., - I just said are you going to do or not? He grumbled and mumbled again - during this time his car blocked the road and two other cars had had to reverse and turn around - no way past and he didn't seem in a hurry to move - he eventually begrudgingly parked and started the job - he done some of it and assured me they would be out first thing the next day to sort out the glass and connect the thermostat on the window . . . needless to say they didn't arrive - I phoned to complain and eventually had the nearest branch phone back - guess who they sent out the next day to sort it . . . Mr Grumbly himself . . . . turns out they fitted the wrong window in the end - should have more tinting than what it did????
OK so Sunday arrived soon enough . . . I wasn't worried about getting to King's Cross - in my mind I had it all sussed - down to Hanwell station - get train to Paddington - take tube to King's Cross - Bob's your uncle . . . . So set off just before 14h00 - My train to Edinburgh was at 16h00 - 2 hours to get there no problem . . . so arrived at Hanwell 14h09 - bought ticket from machine - £4 single zone 1 - 4 - standing on platform awaiting train . . . 5 minutes 10 minutes - stroll across to timetable glance at it not paying too much attention - get the gist of the times every 20 minutes - must have just missed one - next one should be soon - in this time about half a dozen trains whizz by - not perturbed as this is the line for the Heathrow express - one every 10 or 15 minutes . . . then something says check those times again - 15 minutes has passed - then realise I was looking at Sat not Sunday - strangely enough there are no times for Sunday Oh - Oh - no trains on Sunday . . . time is marching on . . .OK Plan B - up tot he main road get a bus - get to a tube station - how difficult can it be???? Get back up to main road realise I'm not sure in which direct I should be going - my finely tuned inane internal compass tells me to stand on the far side and move in that direction - an exact science - as luck would have it a bus approaches - what does it say Uxbridge station - Hey! my luck is in - or is it?? Jump on board bus 14h33 - £2 for single - well 50 minutes later and a tour through Bombay - I'm still not at station - Judi sends me message 'Don't worry everything will be fine' - I'm not sure she realises quite what is unfolding on my side of the world . . . lol - jump off bus - I am virtually the last passenger left on bus . . . get to station find out that I can get a train - but I was in zone 4 - I am now in zone 6 (the higher the number the further you are from the centre of London) - so board a train after buying another ticket, pay an extra £1 supplement - ask how long it will take and I am told that It will take me about 50 minuted to get to King's Cross . . . so am taken on tour of another part of London by train - get to see the new Wembley stadium - close up . . . somehow does not interest me all that much - now coming to terms with the fact that it is already 15h35 and there was no way I am going to make my train . . . was supposed to getting off at Edinburgh - spending the night at Judi's - Plan C now is to see if I can get another ticket , for today . . . . I decide to have a look at my travel insurance - wondering if I am covered for this set of circumstances ??? Don't know still need to investigate this - see what they say . . . Anyway eventually have a look at my train ticket and see that you can phone them and change your time of travel in certain circumstances ??? If this is done in advance . . . Try phoning them - keeps cutting out because we are going through tunnels and are underground . . . I start speaking to them only to be cut off as we once again slip into another tunnel . . . eventually only able to speak to them once I have arrived at King's Cross - time roughly 16h18 - explain my situation - person I am speaking to gives a long story due to Data Protection act etc., needs to go through certain security questions with me first
first name
date of birth
first line of address
post code
amount ticket cost
I'm thinking OK we must be getting somewhere - other wise she wouldn't bother . . .eventually she is satisfied I am who I say I am - then she says I'm very sorry - I can't help you as it is too late now . . .
I join the queue at the ticket office - £100 for a ticket for the same day - no ways I am not paying that - join separate queue now for advance tickets - eventually get one for the next day £38 - Virgin leaving at 11h46 - Whew!
Now to get home to Hanwell - Sam gives me directions - get off at Baron's Gate - and then bus - so buy my ticket and I'm off - not really concentrating . . . eventually jump off at Baron's Gate - hand in my ticket to conductor at exit - walk outside - I am confused - walk straight back in ask the guy were the buses are - he laughs where am I going ??? he asks, I tell him - he just says no buses around here mate - I walk outside and around - nothing walk into a shop - guy from Durban, South Africa behind the counter - No, he doesn't know of any buses around here - tells me to walk further along the bypass at the next intersection - I might get a bus - alarm bells are ringing - Sam would not send me on a wild goose chase - read her text message again (remember she & Hud are in Zurich) - her text says Boston Manor - Hey! its close isn't it???? Go back to my conductor mate explain what happened ask for my ticket back as it was all a mistake - unsympathetic and suggest I buy another ticket - before trying to get back on a train at this station . . . buy one walk down to platform - on the spur of the moment (do you see a pattern her !!!!!) jump on the EalingBraodway instead of the Boston Manor train . . .all fine get off at Ealing Broadway and caught the E8 . . . didn't know what to look for and me beloved Lidl saved me as I recognised it . . .all that remained now 19h05 was to get into the house - I had already hidden the keys in the entrance - but as luck would have it and I had had my fair share for the day - don't you think??? Neighbours arrived home within the next few minutes and that was that . . .
I left the next morning and the one South African neighbour left at exactly the same time and she took me under her wing and got the bust with me and made sure I made it to the tube station - where we parted ways . . . nice of her . . turned out we went in the opposite direction to what I had downloaded and printed off - yes I wasn't going to be caught twice - but Hey! I was at Euston station waiting for my Virgin train 2 hours prior to departure . . . train left on time and was mobbed - there was hardly an open seat.
All's well that ends well . . . . what an adventure - a 5 hour unscheduled tour of parts of London
Well 'tis Tuesday on the morrow -Oops looking at time that's today now . . .lol.
What have I been up to not a lot - turns out our mechanised chair my Mum bought - didn't work - but all is not lost they have taken it back and have promised given an undertaking that it will be sorted . . . watch this space.
Was over at Judi's on weekend and she surprised me by just turning up on Friday evening - Wow! it was a nice surprise - I had said I''d be over on Saturday - so we drove over - the Edinburgh festival is in full swing - Fringe weekend - lots and lots of people . . . .terrible weather though - Saturday absolutely poured the whole day . . .
Right well had a meeting with my supervisor Murray and basically we had a long hard look at the dissertation - in real terms we are left with about 2 weeks to finish off - my number 1 priority is to address the evaluation and specifically beef up and evaluate on object oriented principles - i.e. have a look at each one of the IDEs and rate them in terms of pedagogically how well do they assist students (the likes of me) in learning oo principles - simple enough - I have some books and some additional material - need to compile a list similar (in a way) to my errors and then apply that to all of the IDE's and rate them . . . simultaneously finish off rest of body - but I will have a week for that after I finish criteria . . .so its all go - its been ongoing for quite some time now - need to just pull it all together now and finish . . . .
I suppose not the best time to take a trip to London then is it . . lol - well more a case of house sitting as Sam & Hud leave for Switzerland on Thursday evening - so its just a change of scenery and I can house sit and look after Bubbles although because its locked inside Sam says it will drive me through the roof . . . lucky their place Hanwell is on the suburban Haethrow - Paddington line and is only about 20 minutes on the suburban train . . . .then a wee walk and I'm there - the key is to be left somewhere discreet . . . . under the front door mat???
So its the Jazz Cafe Wednesday evening - criteria there will be whether or not they have Leffe beer and not oo principles - perhaps ooi (out of it) - well you need to relax as well . . .
2 bits of exciting news -- received a tax rebate last week - a sizeable one I'll have thee know . . . and lo and behold returned home this evening and voila a bonus bond prize awaited me - I was hoping it was the £1m . . . . not yet though I'm afraid . . . . just short by £999 950.00 - it was close though . . . .
More exciting news - when I finish my dissertation - my Mum & I are off to Vancouver for a week - 14 Sept - flying Zoom - direct flight from Glasgow and we come back via Manchester - although we don't get off the plane . . . just off-load the MU Rowdies then we'll be on our way again - arrive back the Sat afternoon and then its off to the rugby world cup with Judi - Scotland vs New Zealand @ Murrayfield on Sunday 23rd.
Anyway that about all for now - wow what are all these photos - well as you can see an ecelctic Fringe / Festival (all borrowed from the Scotsman festival blog - don't tell anyone . . .) weel lets see Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum - the 2 exhibitionists; a random female flasher - I think not - Vaudeville couple; and a whole lot of other random stuff; Charlise Theron; a squirrel - yes well that comes from a number of squirrels that were arrested near the Iranian border for spying - it is claimed they had eavesdropping equipment strapped to their bodies ???? - and the other picture is what most Iranian's in Baghdad have to put up with - how long have the allied troops been there - they still don't even have basic services and we want to talk about democracy . ???? I think not - or perhaps a bit premature . . . . stop ripping off their oil money and let them gut the place and put in all of the essential servise that they need - they must be ruing the day allied forces arrived in their country . . .
Well it was the week of toothache . . . eventually managed to get a emergency appointment . . and really felt that I was butchered . . . last Wed 14h05 walked in - first question was which tooth was giving you the problem - a logical question - I didn't have a definitive answer - so we took an x-ray and then he blew air in amongst my teeth - well the very first one it was OUCH! that's him - he then told me there was nothing wrong with my crown - I'm like OK - and then he told me I had had root treatment on my crown - do we see a pattern here . . I told him I had had extensive root canal work on my crown . . . so he had to take a filling out to get a look at what was going on but first he gave me about 4 injections - felt way too much - I was still shaking when I left and you know how you feel your face is all swollen well mine was . . . he took out my filling and then drilled some of the tooth away and put in a new filling - now all my other teeth feel quite smooth - this one feels like a gravel road if you know what I mean - feels very rough - almost like it was an emergency appointment - wait a minute - it was - Hmmm maybe - but I'm not convinced - I must say he kept up a running commentary - apart from that he had a couple of aerial pictures on the ceiling so at least I had something to look at - I think they should have flat screen TV's flat on the ceiling - but hey! What do I know . . lol - Anyway I have another appointment on Wed - with both my dentist and oral hygienist . .
So what have I been up to - well had to use some whisky again as local anaesthetic again - damn that is me run out now - seeing as I don''t pay for medicine at moment - you think I could go to off-lic and get a bottle for medicinal purposes - No??? Hmmm.
T'otherwise been a quiet week really - Judi was on week's leave - still suffering with yon eye infection apart from that she just had a lazy week - hanging out with the boys - taking the boys to the airport - lol . . . 2 sons left the country - No, they're coming back . . . .
Me watching a bit The Wire still - finished Harry Potter - a bit drawn out really and didn't think the 19 years later part was necessary . . . I think your own imagination is better in that regard - perhaps she done because she had made that decision that there would be no more 'arry Potter's??? Not sure.
Still in limbo with PhD - had preliminary discussions with paisley and I am very excited about undertaking the studentship - Games-based learning is something I think I could really get into . . .looking forward to starting . . . but need to complete my dissertation first . . . how is it going your thinking - still loads to do - more or less finalised criteria and thus far worked through all the tutorials for each environment - now need to move over to evaluating each one against the rest of the criteria. I have a number of programs and want to introduce faults into the programs and see how each environment deals with it - error messages it generates whilst writing it and then debugging and how that works - still on schedule but time is running out . . . next 2 weeks crucial.
Friday night went through to my Mum and we had a good couple of drinks not been seeing much of her lately - work; travel; Edinburgh; etc., - anyway good catch up and a good blether - we hit Dumbarton Road all the charity shops working our way along - Maureen my sister came along and she was looking for toys for her 2 grandchildren coming out soon - me just looking - cut a long story short my Mum getting on in years has been struggling to get up / out of chairs recently and we had told her (Maureen and I) she needs one of yon lazy boys - why not? One of the chairs with remote - where you can stretch out but it also tips forward to throw you out - no well help you out of the chair. So we spy ed one - well Maureen did and I led the charge and my Mum bought it - then on the way out a bed caught my eye and it was one of yon electric beds - so you can sit up to read etc., and she bought that as well . . . shop assistants were calling her the Bionic woman before she left - one guy said all you need is a power cut now . . . lol - so that was Saturday and as you know today Sunday has been a bit miserable - but I don't really mind as it fine for me when I am working as it is somehow easier when it is cold wet and overcast - it is murder sometimes when it is lovely weather and you are stuck inside typing away trying to be creative with words when it would be nice to be strolling along the waterfront or somewhere in the sun . . . .lol
Another snippet of information - might be off to New York next month . . . still need to do my research - flight prices / accommodation etc.,
Photo's - Czech Republic: Prague - Lenin Marx Engels photo by RadimBeznoska - the three liars - celebrating independence from Russian domination. Monthly wages in Zimbabwe - money but its worthless . . . just Germany after world war 2 . . . USS Enterprise sailing through the Suez canal - show of force for Iran's benefit - photo Be Curtis; Zapiro - infant mortality rates in South Africa - swept under the carpet; Bush & Brown meet for the fist time - Rowson
So the fairy tale finish to the Asian Cup would have been for Iraq to have won and what happened . . . . they won . . .Good Luck & Congratulations to them! More celebratory pictures
The awesome waves are surfing in Cape Town . . . pictures of Iraq celebration & Cape Town courtesy of Guardian - cartoons of Le Tour - Zapiro from Mail & Guardian South Africa.
OK so where are we since last week - well the first thing that springs to mind . . .can't think why is this toothache I have at the moment . . . . I have a dentist and the oral hygienist appointment for next week - but I had had toothache off and on and decided to get an emergency appointment as well . . . . seeing as I am unemployed student at the moment - it is free - thank goodness - well went in this afternoon and his first question is right which tooth is it? I'm like right don't worry step aside I know exactly which tooth it is I placed this dye on it last time it was aching . . . . i.e. I don't have a clue - Monday night - it was so bad I couldn't even concentrate - could hardly speak to Judi - was in so much pain - all I can say is thank the Lord for whiskey - as I used that as a local anaesthetic and it eventually worked - - - Yes, before I passed out . . . lol . . . well - I could not specify exactly which tooth he worked on the one that reacted to air being blown on it . . . . now I have so much toothache I'm not sure we addressed the correct tooth . . . thank goodness I kept my appointment for next week Wednesday - hopefully we can sort out these teeth because -there is only so much whiskey a man should have to drink for medicinal purposes - seeing as I only had Malt whiskey that is what I used . . . . . It is funny - when your healthy and fine you don't spare a thought and when something is wrong - how it changes your life - how unpleasant things can be . . . you don't realise what it is to be healthy - you just take it for granted and something as simple as toothache - shows you - how helpless / what a difference it makes when you are healthy . . .
Well last Saturday went through to Judi's - we had the Barcelona vs Hearts game on Saturday - I had worked at Loch Lomond Folk Festival as a steward on the Friday and had said I wasn't coming through until Saturday - I am a glorified parking attendant really - tell people where they can and can't park - where caravans can go etc., - actually beginning to get to know some of the characters involved - Wilma & Campbell; Andy; etc., as well as some of the guests that turn up regularly every year - people recognised me I recognised them - for some it was their 4th or 5th year for me it was my 4th year in a row . . . and I intend being back there next year . . . .
I had my right hand side mirror removed from my car Friday evening - the other one had been trashed a number of months ago - this time it was almost professionally removed almost as if to order . . . .???? I was on the phone to Judi on Friday evening and I said to her - " the natives are restless tonight, I don't think I'll even put my head up and peer at them over the top of the couch, they might just put another brick through the front window. . . ." - little did I know they were removing my side mirror as we spoke . . . my car is know un-roadworthy and I could be fined in its current situation . . . my Mum is very keen for me to move out of this area . . .
On to Barcelona / Hearts game - 'not worth expanding upon' . . . . I really think of Barcelona as one of the teams in European football . . . and players like Ronaldinho; Eto; Messi; Thuram; Guti etc., have always meant so much to me . . . so I was more than excited to see them play . . . the opposition in this game meant nothing to me . . .there were many Hearts supporters there - the first half was the highlight as the second half had so many changes - we did get to see Henry - and he made a good goal by laying off the ball . . . but the level of football 2nd half was not as good as the first half . . . I enjoyed the experience . . .
It was Judi's Birthday on Sunday - I had already taken her to Rome on her Birthday but sent her some flowers for the actual day . . . . in the evening it had been decided that we would go for dinner and if any of the boys wanted to come along they were more than welcome . . . turned out all four of her sons; Andy; Pete; Mike & Tom all came along and Naz, Mike's girlfriend, came along as well . . . Now between you & I - I had never met Tom yet - and there was some issues there (not from my side) - so I was more than curious as to how it might go . . . . nothing to worry about - it all went fine - met Tom we shook hands and that was about it . . . . . we had a very pleasant evening . . .it was special for Juid as she has not seen all 4 her boys together for quite some time - so she was pleased and ended up footing the bill - so the boys were pleased . . . .lol.
So what's up? I am still plodding away with my dissertation. Hence the BlueJ welcome screen . . . one of the IDEs I am looking at . . . what with toothache and all - been a bit difficult to get going sometimes . . . but still more or less on target - need to cut down and precise my work more . . .
I have receive another PhD rejection slip which I don't think I mentioned - Loubourgh Uni - that leaves 2 - Paisley with whom I had the interview last week and Glamorgan - whom I haven't heard from at all, yet . . . If Paisley is successful - I have decided to move to within walking distance from the uni as this is a 3 year commitment . . .I will probably have to go private for this . . . but location is important here.
Lastly - if you remember my link to 'The Wire' TV series - courtesy of the Guardian - I've been watching and really enjoying some of the rest of the episodes - using Bit Torrent - downloading the episodes and watching them . . . . then it turned out it was in a format I did not have a player for MCV - needed to download a player as well - very impressed with the quality though - downloads very slow though . . . . but hey! when you dealing with a busy man . . . not a problem. Main sources torrentspy.com and of course other sites like . . . . www.mininova.com
I am a simple (simply complex) down to earth type individual that likes to take life as it comes - would prefer certain things to perhaps be more settled but it seems that is not what life has in store for me at the moment.
Obviously we will have to see which path or paths it takes me down.
A keen amateur photographer - just shoot with the eye - no formalities here I can assure you - hope you enjoy
Hi there - welcome to my Blog [this was my original message from 2007 - left for prosperity & historical context] - hope you find it of some interest - basically my ramblings on my experience here at University. Jumped at the opportunity to attend uni on a full-time basis. I have studied before but it has always been on a part time basis - usually evening classes. Fitting it in with a full-time job is not always painless. This time around though I am concerned that I think I now has so much time I can take it easy - ever heard of that saying - 'if you want something done - give it to a busy person.' I have already realised that having so much time can be mis-leading as you think - no problems I can do it tomorrow - but then time just seems to fly by.
Anyway thus far I am enjoying the challenge - and some parts of it are proving more challenging than others. I need more balance still and hope to start a personal fitness programme shortly as well . . . .
I think when you try to do a lot and just keep at it you end up achieving less than you would normally . . . . ok round about now your thinking - he should be going for therapy not to uni . . . lol.
We'll see
Moved on since then [now 2011 - Wow! Yeah life moves on] I would in retrospect disagree with the last 2007 statement - completely and claim that when you try to do a lot and keep at it you end with some remarkable results . . .wouldn't you agree - this is what I have found to be true - often you might think I'll never be able to do all that and yet somehow you manage . . .