Wow - quite the sub-heading . . . but that's what it was like really . . .
Photo's - Bubbles off course - Sam & Hud at canal - and some general canal photo's this is about 5 minutes stroll from there place - next to Ealing hospital . . .
OK -where to start - went down to London on Wednesday - last week - I had a flight with BMI that I had booked by mistake, a year ago . . . a long story, cost me £2.99 but add the taxes and it was £30 (a single) - linked to Sam's 30th - another story (Kinda roundabout when this blog started - now that I think about it . . .) anyway . . . I should have known I was in for an adventure - just before I left for the airport, I realised that I had forgotten my passport at home - now remember Glasgow airport - came under an attempted terrorist attack recently - as in they tried to drive the vehicle into the departure / check-in area . . . and it somehow didn't make it into the building but burnt part of the building outside and caused quite a bit of damage . . . two of the attackers died from burns . . . and another is still to appear in court as far as I know. Anyway - I'm thinking what are my chances of getting on the plane with no passport . . . this after I had ordered my taxi . . . hmmm - what the hell let's give a go . . . I had slept over at my Mum's place as she stays a lot closer than I do to the airport . . . left telling her I might see her again soon . . . arrived at airport - went straight to check in after deciding better get this over with asap - so we know where we stand and still and outside chance I could race home and get passport if needed (was that possible - in my mind, yes) . . .went to quick check-in - as there had been a problem the day before I could not print my boarding pass . . .
(an aside: Look let's be honest - who's fooling who here - I make the booking on the Internet - I check in before the time on the Internet and now I have to print off my boarding pass - then when I arrive in theory all I have to do is drop off my suitcase, in the quick drop-off bag queue - except every other person has done this as well - so the quick drop-off queue - has everyone in it and the old queue, where you check yourself in etc., - has no one in it . . . . . ????? Am I stupid or just cynical . . . ????)
back to main story . . . . OK so you put the credit card you made the booking with into the machine and it retrieves your information - lo and behold it has me, with the ticket it allocated the day before all I have to do now is drop my suitcase off . . . I ask the floating assistant about passport but I am quick to pull out my student card (thought I'll try my luck - it does have my picture on it . . . photo ID??) - she looks at it and says that's fine - as long as I have photo ID - that was the first and the last time I had to show this - hang on sorry - when I eventually got to check-in my suitcase as well - they like the owner to have picture ID for that ??? Did not know my current student card was so highly regarded - have more respect for uni now . . . lol. Flight uneventful - was asleep before we lifted off and then woke up - Jeez, that was quick . . . only to realise we ain't gone anywhere yet . . .

Arrived at Heathrow - caught the Heathrow connect going to Paddington - got off at Hanwell -15 minute journey - walked round to Sam's place - Hud had hidden the keys for me in the garden . . . .under some stones . . . let myself in and kicked back and relaxed was about 13h30 . . . i.e. carried on with uni work - met Bubbles - newest addition to the household a cat that Sam & Hud have adopted . . . only been with them for about 2 weeks and because its not a kitten still being kept inside . . . . a cute little Missy . . . Bubbles . . . no more like Missy as she has sass. Hud came home about 17h30 and we soon left for the Jazz Cafe - Hud decided to drive (this would turn out to be a mistake . . . ) went to eat and then watch Terry Callier - who was fantastic . . . this was all booked as a surprise by Hud - I'm really impressed - he could turn into a good son-in-law yet . . . meal was excellent all 'n all a great evening - left about 12'ish after a few, well known McKenzie fast foot shuffles on the dance floor - well 2 McKenzie's actually - Sam & I - Hud does not partake much in that sport . . . walked to the car - and lo and behold they had smashed the rear window - it's a brand new Audi station wagon - very popular with reps - which is what Hud does - thankfully he had the foresight to take all his stock out . . . so it was just the inconvenience . . .it was about 20 metres from a main road - in Camden Town . . .a bit of a damper on the evening . . .
Next day is all a bit mixed up - Hud phoning and arranging for window to be replaced
- Virgin cable guy in and out - trying to sort out cable connection - Sam & Hud leaving for Zurich for long weekend - we eventually get to take a stroll along the canal next to Ealing hospital . . .very picturesque and we went for lunch at the Viaduct - a pub with in staggering distance of Sam & Hud's place . . . the pub is ye olde English pub run by a Polish family now - you see this all over now . . .plus they care and give really good service - obviously invested in it and intend making sure that it works . . .
Sam & Hud left about 16h30 . . . and I had the place to myself - dissertation time - had to work on my project as the hand-in date is ever looming closer - so my hanging out in Hanwell was not really about hanging out, but rather work! Yes, that dirty 4 letter word we all shy away from . . . lol
Anyway only thing of not was Bubbles and I getting to know each other and my decision that a cat can not stay int he house all the time its unnatural - so Thursday late afternoon, I let her out and I wanted her to see that she could come and go as she pleased - if she thought every time she popped out from the bushes she was going to be grabbed and dragged back into the house, I thought she'll just not show herself - I noticed she seemed a bit nervous / unsure of herself - so I let her out and she even came back running up to me - I resisted the temptation of grabbing her then and she was off again - well half an hour later I caught sight of her on top of someones garden shed two houses away - there is almost a second row of houses, all garden sheds - along w

Nothing much else happened - car window replacement guy turned up albeit 2 and a 1/2 hours late - mumbled and complained about where was he supposed to park - he'd have to carry all the tools from the car to Hud's car -he doesn't have an adaptor for the vacuum etc., etc., - I just said are you going to do or not? He grumbled and mumbled again - during this time his car blocked the road and two other cars had had to reverse and turn around - no way past and he didn't seem in a hurry to move - he eventually begrudgingly parked and started the job - he done some of it and assured me they would be out first thing the next day to sort out the glass and connect the thermostat on the window . . . needless to say they didn't arrive - I phoned to complain and eventually had the nearest branch phone back - guess who they sent out the next day to sort it . . . Mr Grumbly himself . . . . turns out they fitted the wrong window in the end - should have more tinting than what it did????
OK so Sunday arrived soon enough . . . I wasn't worried about getting to King's Cross - in my mind I had it all sussed - down to Hanwell station - get train to Paddington - take tube to King's Cross - Bob's your uncle . . . . So set off just before 14h00 - My train to Edinburgh was at 16h00 - 2 hours to get there no problem . . . so arrived at Hanwell 14h09 - bought ticket from machine - £4 single zone 1 - 4 - standing on platform awaiting train . . . 5 minutes 10 minutes - stroll across to timetable glance at it not paying too much attention - get the gist of the times every 20 minutes - must have just missed one - next one should be soon - in this time about half a dozen trains whizz by - not perturbed as this is the line for the Heathrow express - one every 10 or 15 minutes . . . then something says check those times again - 15 minutes has passed - then realise I was looking at Sat not Sunday - strangely enough there are no times for Sunday Oh - Oh - no trains on Sunday . . . time is marching on . . .OK Plan B - up tot he main road get a bus - get to a tube station - how difficult can it be???? Get back up to main road realise I'm not sure in which direct I should be going - my finely tuned inane internal compass tells me to

- first name
- surname
- date of birth
- first line of address
- post code
- amount ticket cost
- etc.,
- etc.,
I'm thinking OK we must be getting somewhere - other wise she wouldn't bother . . .eventually she is satisfied I am who I say I am - then she says I'm very sorry - I can't help you as it is too late now . . .
I join the queue at the ticket office - £100 for a ticket for the same day - no ways I am not paying that - join separate queue now for advance tickets - eventually get one for the next day £38 - Virgin leaving at 11h46 - Whew!
Now to get home to Hanwell - Sam gives me directions - get off at Baron's Gate - and then bus - so buy my ticket and I'm off - not really concentrating . . . eventually jump off at Baron's Gate - hand in my ticket to conductor at exit - walk outside - I am confused - walk straight back in ask the guy were the buses are - he laughs where am I going ??? he asks, I tell him - he just says no buses around here mate - I walk outside and around - nothing walk into a shop - guy from Durban, South Africa behind the counter - No, he doesn't know of any buses around here - tells me to walk further along the bypass at the next intersection - I might get a bus - alarm bells are ringing - Sam would not send me on a wild goose chase - read her text message again (remember she & Hud are in Zurich) - her text says Boston Manor - Hey! its close isn't it???? Go back to my conductor mate explain what happened ask for my ticket back as it was all a mistake - unsympathetic and suggest I buy another ticket - before trying to get back on a train at this station . . . buy one walk down to platform - on the spur of the moment (do you see a pattern her !!!!!) jump on the Ealing Braodway instead of the Boston Manor train . . .all fine get off at Ealing Broadway and caught the E8 . . . didn't know what to look for and me beloved Lidl saved me as I recognised it . . .all that remained now 19h05 was to get into the house - I had already hidden the keys in the entrance - but as luck would have it and I had had my fair share for the day - don't you think??? Neighbours arrived home within the next few minutes and that was that . . .
I left the next morning and the one South African neighbour left at exactly the same time and she took me under her wing and got the bust with me and made sure I made it to the tube station - where we parted ways . . . nice of her . . turned out we went in the opposite direction to what I had downloaded and printed off - yes I wasn't going to be caught twice - but Hey! I was at Euston station waiting for my Virgin train 2 hours prior to departure . . . train left on time and was mobbed - there was hardly an open seat.
All's well that ends well . . . . what an adventure - a 5 hour unscheduled tour of parts of London
Well worth watching : Hiking in Nordic country
Pricked my ears this week Afterlife - Miracle
I'll try embedding the track here ?? Click on the little play arrow . . .
Afterlife – miracle
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