1) Brown Fish Owl - In India . . .
2) Gerard Dowling - builds a sculpture with traffic cones - I just wonder what he is smoking . . . (photo Julian Behal)
3) Saurahb Das photo of Kabul Afghanistan - goalposts - a bit drab looking don't ya think
4) sniff sniff - House season 5 grinds to a halt - one of few programs I watch on TV
5) Google Sky launches - photo Reuters
6) Getty Images photo Viktor Korotayev - Russian air force display
7) True democracy in Bolivia1's Congress - free for all . . . . your entitled to my point of view
Well since arriving back from London its work work work - although for a wee bit of variety I did go to the dentist - and Holly (standing in for my dentist Lucy) who is from New Zealand removed and replaced one of my fillings - pleased to say she was a hell of a lo

What else - Yes took me Mum shopping Thursday - nothing much Lidl and then Aldi - where I bought for me an Internet radio . . . works off my wireless modem - I'll need to take it up to the Computer club and give a demo . . if only I could get the bloody thing to work . . lol - I just don't have the time to go through all the settings on my wireless modem and then the radio . . .basically it picks up from my modem and connects to about 6500 radio stations anywhere in the world - have a look at Reciva Internet Radio - main thing I wanted to know was I could get my beloved somafm on it - which I've checked I should be able to . . . . I'm happy as soon as I finish my dissertation - sleep for a few days - I'll sort it . . .. lol.

Off to see the rugby today Scotland Vs South Africa . . . . really looking forward to it - seeing as the football went well on Wednesday Scotland 1 - South Africa 0 - lets see if they can do it today . . lol
Apologies - been ages but I had to finish dissertation . . . . Just

Well its been non-stop work on my dissertation - went to see Murray and he was hppy with my work - he had read through everything - a few suggestions but otherwise fine . . . in the end I underestimated the amount of work to physically finish off - there is nothing worse than deciding that you need an additional figure only to discover that that has moved everything 1 page - or worse on some of the

Judi & I are off this weekend to the Lake district as a winding down and to get some quality time together . . . I'm really looking forward to it - never been down there before . . . here it is very much like Scotland - Loch's, Hills, etc.,
So where to from here - well I have now applied at Stirling university for a PhD - we will have to see if I am more successful here.
I took some photo's at the rugby - so I will do a separate posting for that.
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