Last Friday I met up with Judi & her son Andy - they drove through from Edinburgh & I waited for them in Dobbies Loan street - Judi came off on junction 16 and proceeded to get lost - its difficult when you don't know the road and it tends to be quite busy . . .I had gone for a haircut and in all honesty might not have been there had she not lost her way (don't bother telling her that though . . lol). Anyway imagine my surprise when she came from the opposite direction . . .
Jumped in and drove the car round the corner - parked next

Pat Metheny with Brad Mehldau on piano. We had time to spare so suggested we pop in at Borders for coffee - we ended up losing each other though - so that didn't work too well . . . although in fairness we did find each other - later . . . .
Arrived at Carling Academy took our seats and patiently waited for senor Metheny & Co., to turn up. Just to give some idea I have been listening to Pat Metheny since the late 70's and I have always really liked him - first heard him on ECM Records - I also heard him with Lyle Mays in the early days.

The set started with just Brad on piano and Pat on electric guitar for some or other reason I was a bit nervous - you know how when you really like something and you want it to mean as much to everyone else ???? Well I was wondering whether Judi & Andy were going to like it and found my mind drifting towards that ona couple of occasions during the evening - I soon put that out of my mind as I was caught up in the music - I will be honest I have not heard Metheny's last couple of albums - yes he is that prolific - so was not 100% sure what direction he had taken - within a short while I knew that he had not strayed too far from familiar waters - so to speak - I must say I was very impressed with

What have I been up to apart from this working on my dissertation - Java IDE's are coming along nicely thank you! - its a slow process - I need to shake a leg here - finishing off my Literature Review next Friday.
Some great news for the week - Alan Johnston finally released - thank goodness for Hamas - I know the west are

Another comical story - Smeatomania - the Glasgow airport baggage handler who became a hero. A policeman had tackled one of the guys from the jeep driven into the airport building - well the policeman was punched so hard he lost some teeth and had a broken leg - in jumps local superhero Smeaton - who tackled

Listening to:
Nitin Sawhney - "It would be easier to jot down what this man can't do than what he can" (The Guardian - of course) Widely recognised as one of the most influential and versatile creative talents alive today.
Ulrich Schnauss - pictured at top of Blog
The Secret
Vancouver Film School
Legacy of Belfast conflict
I have Brown in my Title - but I have decided to give him another chance - the very least we can do - I have my doubts though - sceptic that I am . . .
That's all Folks!
PS - A special Hello to Archibald in Canada . . . .ex-Milton
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