Well finally the marks are

available - I did not do too well with my Artificial Intelligence . . . but I managed to pass . . . both happy and disappointed - I knew once I had permission to continue that I had to have passed everything but still its nice to see how you have done . . .
Well Glasgow featured in the News around the globe - I am not even going to go there as it has been well covered by everyone and everything that calls itself media . . . I was quite amused by American channels of Glasgow - sounds like I am staying in quite an exotic place . . as was Gordon Browns pronunciation of
'Al Qaeda' sounded a lot more exotic as well . . . When I passed through Queen street station there was a much higher level of security than there has been for a long time . . .
I am totally exhausted - been searching for hotels in London - I think I know the above map of by heart - Judi going down for a 3 day seminar asked me if I wanted to come along - nice opportunity to see Sam as well . . . we booked a hotel on line but it came back fully booked - I eventually done so last night after about 3 and half hours of searching and drawing up a short list - checking map -checking tube map etc., What an absolute nightmare - they try and confuse with lower prices then

suddenly when you book its a completely different price - some hide it by charging per person as opposed to a room which sleeps 2 etc., - with breakfast / without - shared bathroom - exclusive bathroom on and on and on . . . . I was so fed up after the hotel which ended up at the top of my list they came back today to say unavailable - then I nearly just booked for the next place on my list and suddenly came across half a dozen reviews which basically said they had to sleep with their clothes on it was that bad - it has a dodgy nightclub on the premises and etc., etc., - thank goodness - nothing worse than being stuck in some dump - Yes, everything is a trade off but if an extra £20 gets you into a half decent place -in my opinion it is money well spent - but hey! that's just me . . . were did I finally book
Tavistock hotel - Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EU they even threw in a free 3 course meal - a done deal and by this time I just wanted to sort it . . .

I spent most of today when I woke up (eventually - after my search - lol) being interviewed by the Council - some job evaluation initiative and I said OK - I was even keener when Iw as told naturally I would be paid for my time . . . What a disaster in the beginning . . . Alan my sort of line manager turned up and we were both there by about 13h25 - supposed to start 13h30 - well by 14h00 we sarted to wonder what was happening - then after a few phone calls turns out they are in Dalmuir @ Concord there ?? anyway the finally arrived at 14h35 - I'm smiling and not at all perturbed by all this - because I'm getting paid for my time so

they can take as long as they want. So then they pull out a form and ask me for my completed questionnaire - to which I just raise my eyebrows - 'What questionnaire?' I ask - the one you were supposed to fill in - I can see them watching me for reaction as if I must have got it but perhaps just forgot about it temporarily . . . but if they prompt me sufficiently I will pull it out of my pocket . . . I tell them I know nothing about one and that I was not given one to fill in . . . this worries them and a mumbled conversatio

n takes place as if I no longer exist - I am discussed in third person - and I can see they are not happy - I tell them I was given a few categories to prepare on but nothing more - I read them out the categories - one of them asks to see my list - I refuse - which obviously doesn't happen often - as I can see the shock on his face - I tell him that it is my personal notes on those topics . . . - they then change tack and tell me that I would be within my rights to refuse to continue with the interview on the grounds of xy & z - I say no I am quite happy to continue - Hey, I'm prepared to do it on the fly - now they are confused and clearly want to pack up - but can see I want to continue - they now claim it's up to control (I have visions of mission control somewhere) to decide whether they can continue - I can hear the hope in their voices that they will get the go ahead to just can the whole thing - time is dragging on - only person happy is me - more time - I'm getting paid by the hour here - take as long as you like guys - I am willing to co-operate - eventually mission control gives the go ahead . . . They are both disappointed - they exchange glances - an invisible let's this over asap passes

between them. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them my normal hours of work are 2 and a half hours a week - one guy nearly chokes . . . it turns out to be a computer based questionnaire which covers all the areas supposed to have been completed by me - they still want that - I can fill it in and forward to them later . . . it actually runs quite smoothly hereafter . . . the whole exercise took 3 and a half hours - so if you have ever wondered where your hard earned council tax goes - it goes on worthy causes like myself - we were 4 people in total involved for this period of time - I am glad our taxes are gainfully employed . . . .
Last bit of action today - took a drive through to Milngavie - as Belinda Ross form South Africa was there - she works with Jessila (my ex) and I want to get the tops to Arran for his birthday - couldn't post them so had to manifest Belinda to take them . I drove through arrive at Premier Travel Inn - announce myself at reception - they ask what room number ??? I'm not sure what they mean - one of those days?? An

yway once they realise I am not a guest or checking in - I am told to wait - then after the compulsory 2 minutes I am asked again if I am checking in??? I explain that I ma just dropping something off for someone - OK what room are they in? I tell tehm I don't know - raised eyebrows ?? I give them the name - more confusion they have 2 people with that name - I explain this pers

on is from South Africa - raised eyebrows ?? That's funny because they have one an elderly lady from Milngavie or a younger one form Australia - must be her then I say. Australia ??? They then shock me by just giving me the room number - I would have thought they would call her to reception - so I march down the hall to room 21 - chap on the door - no answer - try again - no answer - back to reception - explain what is happening - hang a round a bit - eventually decide I'll try my luck and leave the parcel at reception - thinking No way - especially after Glasgow and heightened security that they will entertain this idea - anyway I ask 'aye, nae bother' - end of story - mission accomplished - I left it - eventually managed to get Belinda's phone number - she sounds quite the bubbly character - perhaps she has been drinking some bubbly??? Anyway Arran will have his gear for his birthday 15 July . . . . Oh and by the way she is booked in room 22 not 21 ????
I am off to my bed - can't keep my eyes open . . .
Milngavie photo's courtesy of
Milngavie The unofficial guide - Compiled by Angela GawthropPhoto's beginning of the West Highland way in town - 3 sided clock - reserviors where Glasgow gets a lot of its fresh water from from lake Katrine of course -
More about an amazing Jazz concert Pat Metheny . . .later - too tired now . . .Carling Academy . . . lol - Italian food; Borders - just got my memory back it seems . . lol
PS Thanks to you who participated in IMap - thus far - UK; Scotland & England (I'm shown as London) - South Africa & New Zealand - have a look just above counter - click on icon
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