Paisley uni - suddenly called me in Monday to have a discusion about my interest in the

I did hear from Dublin - I was not successful - I had thought as time progressed that was the most likely outcome as they need someone to start very soon . . .
All 'n all - Paisley will be a lot closer to home and should an almost effortless transition from Strathclyde to Paisley . . . but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
08h10 Saturday morning there was a banging on my front door - some muggle arrived with a parcel - it was of course a copy of the latest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - due to work commitments - I am only on page 60 or so - so I will have to leave comment until some later stage . . . I did go and see the film today - it was good but nothing fantastic - if you know what I mean - I enjoyed it because now I think the book will

Also received first real feedback on my work thus far on my dissertation from my supervisor - on the whole very positive - some things I need to change and also - a slightl

Came across a short promotional film for Pirelli tyres - featuring Uma Thurman Uma Thurman - Pirelli
Something I am listening to at the moment - Album Leaf
Wow 3D TV coming - came across article on The Guardian - Paris looking at installing 100MB Internet access - and they were demonstrating 3D TV yes beyond HD already - scary . . .
It must sometimes seem to

Some dream houses . . .
A little (something else I am listening to) ditty I came across Seven . . . .
Oh WOW - not sure how many of you play XBox - obviously loads of you - here is a clip from the new Halo 3 - not yet released . . .
Listening to at the moment:
Ulrich Schnauss - Blumenwiese Neben Autobahn
all on Somafm.com I might add . . .lol
"This is one of the strongest Iraqi sides ever and they fill us with pride. We are tired of the sadness that always surrounds us. I sometimes wish we are always playing in international tournaments so we can remain happy" - Ibrahim al-Musawi, who has already bought 20 litres of petrol to fuel his generator for the duration of Iraq's Asian Cup semi-final against South Korea tomorrow. Three people died and 50 were wounded when bullets fired in celebration of Iraq's victory over Vietnam on Saturday came back down at lethal speed.

No news on the number of casualties yet . . . .

Floods have really been bad down South - one river has risen by more than 6m - that is pretty scary - when you think that is the height of a 2 storey high building . . . . imagine a sheet of water like that approaching . . . . Now I hear the government is thinking of building new houses on flood plains ???? I must be missing something . . .
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